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micro code studio'da hata mesajı?

Başlatan axanc, 30 Ekim 2003, 22:27:24


selamlar.... :)
micro code studio'da pic16f877 ile programlama yaparken derleme yaptığımda şöyle bir mesaj alıyorum:

Warn proje6.asm 556 : [102] code crosses boundary @ 800h

bu mesajın tam anlamı nedir acaba?.. ve de program üzerindeki etkileri nelerdir...  :?:
Uzmanlık: Bilgisayar Müh. öğrenci Derleyici: PicBasic Pro Compiler Ver. 2.45 Program: Proteus 6.2.5 ve MCSP


bu sadece bir uyari hata değilmis galiba :)

Alıntı YapMost PIC's, like the 16 series, have 2K sized code pages . The
warning is just to tell you your program has exceeded the 2K code page. That
in itself is not a problem. The only thing to look out for is if you are
using the branch instruction. If the branch instruction calls a label in
another page it will not go to the intended label. In that case you use the
branchl (branch long) instruction. Using the branchl instruction generates
more code than plain old branch. SO while you could just make all your
instructions branchl when you get the boundary cross warning you will use up
precious code space. Depending where the branch instuction and the labels it
calls are in the program, using branchl may not be necessary. It will be
obvious when the program does something unintentional that involves the
branch instruction.

