Mesaj led

Başlatan ilker_32, 23 Temmuz 2009, 12:47:14


Bilgisayarım biraz karışmış düzenleme yapıyorum. Gözüme çarpan hoş örnekleri buraya yazıyorum gerçekten birşeyler öğrenmek için güzel örnekler. Daha fazlası için tıklayın.

;                           message.asm
; This code makes a message appear in mid air.The 5 leds are connected to portb. RB0 - RB4 
; put new message in below. NOTE: messages too long are a problem, as the 
; 'persistence of vision' doesn't work.
; LEDS connected to port RB0 - 4 tilt/accelerometer to RA0 to start text
; letters are in columns. i.e letter A
; 0110
; 1001
; 1001   the 1's make up the A.  1 = LED on. 0 = off
; 1111
; 1001


	LIST    P=16C84;f=inhx8m
w       equ     0			; register destination addresses.
f       equ     1	
same	equ	1

z       equ     2			; status flags
zero	equ	2
c	equ	0
carry	equ	0
count1  equ     0C      		; wait counter ls digit file register C
count2  equ	0D			; wait counter ms digit file register D

portb   equ     06      		; port b I/O register f6
porta	equ	05			; port a I/O register f5
status  equ     03     			; status register f3
time	equ	.15
	org     0			; origin
	movlw   0			;initialise port settings
	tris    portb
	movwf   portb
	movlw	1
	tris	porta
	bcf	porta,0

	goto	getbut 

letters	call	lh			;type in letters here.
	call	le	
	call	ll
	call	ll
	call	lo
	goto	getbut			;goto get button input


getbut	bcf	status,1
	movf	porta,w			;gets input from start button on porta.0
	movwf	status			;read status register, to see value of porta
	btfsc	status,0
	goto	getbut			;if status = 1 then goto letter else goto getbut
	goto	letters	

;each letter is prefixed with l e.g la is a

la	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00001111'		;output corresponding values out of portb
	movwf	portb
	call	wait		
	movlw	B'00010010'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010010'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001111'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lb	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00001111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			;
	movlw	B'00010101'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010101'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001010'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lc	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00001110'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

ld	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001110'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

le	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00010101'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010101'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010101'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lf	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00010100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lg	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00001110'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010011'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010011'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lh	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00000100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00000100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

li	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00001111'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00000000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lj	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00010010'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00011110'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lk	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00000100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001010'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

ll	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'0001111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00000001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00000001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00000001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lm	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00001111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00011000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00011000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001111'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

ln	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			
	movlw	B'00001000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00000100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lo	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00001110'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001110'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lp	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00010100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lq	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00001110'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010011'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001111'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lr	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00010100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010110'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

ls	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011101'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00010101'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010101'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010111'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lt	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00010000'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00000000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lu	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00000001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00000001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00011111'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lv	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011110'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00000001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00011110'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00000000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lw	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00011110'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00000011'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00000011'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00011110'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lx	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00010010'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00001100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001100'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010011'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

ly	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			 
	movlw	B'00001110'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00001000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010000'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

lz	call 	wait			; wait for a bit
	movlw	B'00010001'
	movwf	portb
	call	wait			;
	movlw	B'00010011'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00010101'
	movwf	portb
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00011001'
	movwf	portb
	call 	space1

space1	movlw	B'00000000'		;routine to put spaces between the letters
	call 	wait
	movlw	B'00000000'
	movwf	portb
	movlw	B'00000000'

space2 	nop				;loop forever
	goto	space2

;* wait subroutine *

	movlw   time	        ; load count1 with decimal time
	movwf   count1
d1	movlw   time		; load count2 with decimal time
	movwf   count2	
d2	decfsz  count2,same	; decrement F,skip if zero
	goto 	d2		; if not zero		
	decfsz  count1		; decrement count1 if count2 is zero
	goto 	d1		; do inside loop again if count2 nz
	retlw 	00
; ----------------------------END



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