Basic Pro Caller ID (Arayan Kimliğini Gösterme) Kodu

Başlatan ramazotti, 26 Ocak 2010, 13:18:41


Arkadaşlar geçen gün sitesinde rastgele aşağıdaki kodu buldum devreyi kurdum çalıştı ancak gelen numaranın kimliğini göstermedi muhtemelen devrede pic dışında bence başka elemanlar da kullanıldı...Bu konuda fikri olan arkadaşlar varsa lütfen fikir versin...
Ben programı kendi isteklerim doğrultusunda geliştirmek istiyorum tabi önce bunu çalıştırıp mantığı anlamak lazım..

' Displays Caller ID information on LCD.  Connect either jack on the
' LAB-XT to a telephone line.  Caller ID service must be provided
' by your local phone company.  This code only reads Multiple Data
' Message Format.  LED4 lights when ring is present.

DEFINE   LOADER_USED   1      ' Only required for melabs Loader

DEFINE OSC 20            ' Match the crystal on the board

' Define LCD registers and bits

ring_detect      VAR   PORTA.2   ' Define the ring-detect input pin
cid_serial_data   VAR   PORTA.0   ' Define the Caller-ID serial input pin
led4         VAR   PORTC.1   ' Define LED output

idstring   VAR   BYTE[96]   ' Array variable for recording the CID data
h         VAR BYTE      ' Variable for loop count and timing
i         VAR   BYTE      ' Variable for loop count
length      VAR   BYTE      ' Variable stores the length of CID data string

ADCON1 = 7               ' Set PORTA and PORTE to digital
Pause 200                ' Wait for LCD to start up

LCDOut $fe,1, "Caller ID for LAB-XT"   ' Vanity display

   IF ring_detect = 1 Then mainloop   ' Wait here until ring detected
   High led4                  ' Light LED to indicate incoming ring

   IF ring_detect = 0 Then i = 0   ' Clear timer variable if still ringing
   i = i + 1                  ' Increment timer variable
   Pause 1                     ' Pause 1mS
   IF i < 250 Then time_after      ' Loop here until 250mS after ring stops
   Low led4                  ' Ring finished, kill LED

   ' Look for CID data, abort if no data for 500mS
   SerIn2 cid_serial_data, 813, 500, mainloop, [wait($80),length,STR idstring\length]

   LCDOut $fe,1               ' Clear the display
   For i = 0 TO length            ' Begin loop, each count represents a character
                           ' in the recorded CID data string.

      Select Case idstring      ' For each character, check for known parameter types
         Case $01            ' Parameter type 01 (hex) is date and time.
            i = i + 1         ' Move index pointer to parameter length character.
                           ' This avoids the length character being mistaken for
                           ' a parameter-type code.

            LCDOut $fe,$80,idstring[i+1],idstring[i+2],_   ' Display date and time
            $FE,$C0, idstring[i+3],idstring[i+4], " ",_
            $FE,$83, idstring[i+5],idstring[i+6],":",_
         Case $02, $04         ' Parameter type 02 is the phone number.
                           ' Parameter type 04 is the reason, if there is no number
            LCDOut $FE,$89      ' Move the LCD cursor to position 9 on line 1
            GoSub disp_string   ' Display the number string

         Case $07, $08         ' Parameter type 07 is the caller's name.
                           ' Parameter type 08 is the reason, if there is no name
            LCDOut $FE,$C3      ' Move the LCD cursor to position 4, line 2
            GoSub disp_string   ' Display the name string
      End Select

   Next i                     ' Loop to the next character in the array
GoTo mainloop                     ' Return and wait for next ring
' Subroutine to display text string. This routine is called when a variable length CID parameter
' type is read from the array. The number of characters to display is stored in the next array
' location after the parameter type.


   i = i + 1                  ' Move the index pointer to the parameter-length byte

   IF idstring=1 Then         ' If the parameter is only 1 character long, then display a reason

      IF idstring[i+1] = "O" Then LCDOut "Out Of Area"   ' "O" is Out Of Area
      IF idstring[i+1] = "P" Then LCDOut "Blocked"      ' "P" is Private Caller

   Else                     ' If the parameter is longer than 1 character

      For h = 1 TO idstring   ' Loop from 1 to the length of the parameter
         LCDOut idstring[i+h]   ' Display each character in the parameter
      Next h                  ' Do it for the next character



İlgili board üzerinde Caller ID için başka eleman mevcut...

LAB-XT Telephony Experimenter Board
An FSK device (NJM2211) receives caller id information and converts it to 1200 baud serial which the MCU can read.  PICBASIC PRO sample programs are provided that show how to interpret the received caller information string.





Caller ID için kullanılabilecek bazı çipler:

Bu çiplerin çıkışında 1200baud hızında seri data bulunur. Pic deki programınızın kabiliyetine bağlı olarak numarayı okuyabilirsiniz.


xr 2211 entegresi ile denemeler yaptım çalıştıramadım yardımcı olabilecek var mı?