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Başlatan Ankaralı, 04 Mart 2010, 21:35:47



GLCD nin çalışma mantığı nasıldır.Ekranda nasıl yazı veya şekil oluşturulabilir?

GLCD (proton veya basic farketmez) kodları olan sakıncası yoksa paylaşabilirmi?



Mikroelektronika'nın mikrobasic pro for PIC derleyicisi içindeki örnek kod.

Alıntı Yap
' *
' * Project name:
'     Glcd_Test (Demonstration of the Glcd library routines)
' * Copyright:
'     (c) Mikroelektronika, 2009.
' * Revision History:
'     20080930:
'       - initial release
'       - 20090720 - modified by Slavisa Zlatanovic;
' * Description:
'     This is a simple demonstration of the Glcd library routines:
'     - Init and Clear (pattern fill)
'     - Image display
'     - Basic geometry - lines, circles, boxes and rectangles
'     - Text display and handling
' * Test configuration:
'     MCU:             PIC16F887
'                      http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/41291F.pdf
'     Dev.Board:       EasyPIC6
'                      http://www.mikroe.com/en/tools/easypic6/
'     Oscillator:      HS, 08.0000 MHz
'     Ext. Modules:    GLCD 128x64, KS108/107 controller
'                      http://www.mikroe.com/en/tools/components/#other
'     SW:              mikroBasic PRO for PIC
'                      http://www.mikroe.com/en/compilers/mikrobasic/pro/pic/
' * Notes:
'     - Turn on GLCD backlight switch SW8.8.
' *

program Glcd_Test

' Glcd module connections
dim GLCD_DataPort as byte at PORTD

dim GLCD_CS1 as sbit at RB0_bit
    GLCD_CS2 as sbit at RB1_bit
    GLCD_RS  as sbit at RB2_bit
    GLCD_RW  as sbit at RB3_bit
    GLCD_EN  as sbit at RB4_bit
    GLCD_RST as sbit at RB5_bit

dim GLCD_CS1_Direction as sbit at TRISB0_bit
    GLCD_CS2_Direction as sbit at TRISB1_bit
    GLCD_RS_Direction  as sbit at TRISB2_bit
    GLCD_RW_Direction  as sbit at TRISB3_bit
    GLCD_EN_Direction  as sbit at TRISB4_bit
    GLCD_RST_Direction as sbit at TRISB5_bit
' End Glcd module connections

dim counter as byte
    someText as char[18]

sub procedure Delay2S()                          ' 2 seconds delay sub function
end sub

  ANSEL  = 0                                     ' Configure AN pins as digital I/O
  ANSELH = 0

  Glcd_Init()                                    ' Initialize Glcd
  Glcd_Fill(0x00)                                ' Clear Glcd

  while TRUE
    Glcd_Image(@truck_bmp)                       ' Draw image
    Delay2S() delay2S()

    Glcd_Fill(0x00)                              ' Clear Glcd

    Glcd_Box(62,40,124,63,1)                     ' Draw box
    Glcd_Rectangle(5,5,84,35,1)                  ' Draw rectangle
    Glcd_Line(0, 0, 127, 63, 1)                  ' Draw line
    counter = 5

    while (counter <= 59)                        ' Draw horizontal and vertical lines
      Glcd_V_Line(2, 54, counter, 1)
      Glcd_H_Line(2, 120, counter, 1)
      Counter = counter + 5


    Glcd_Fill(0x00)                              ' Clear Glcd

    Glcd_Set_Font(@Character8x7, 8, 7, 32)       ' Choose font "Character8x7"
    Glcd_Write_Text("mikroE", 1, 7, 2)           ' Write string

    for counter = 1 to 10                        ' Draw circles
      Glcd_Circle(63,32, 3*counter, 1)
    next counter

    Glcd_Box(10,20, 70,63, 2)                    ' Draw box

    Glcd_Fill(0xFF)                              ' Fill Glcd
    Glcd_Set_Font(@Character8x7, 8, 7, 32)       ' Change font
    someText = "8x7 Font"
    Glcd_Write_Text(someText, 5, 0, 2)           ' Write string

    Glcd_Set_Font(@System3x5, 3, 5, 32)          ' Change font
    someText = "3X5 CAPITALS ONLY"
    Glcd_Write_Text(someText, 60, 2, 2)          ' Write string

    Glcd_Set_Font(@font5x7, 5, 7, 32)            ' Change font
    someText = "5x7 Font"
    Glcd_Write_Text(someText, 5, 4, 2)           ' Write string

    Glcd_Set_Font(@FontSystem5x7_v2, 5, 7, 32)   ' Change font
    someText = "5x7 Font (v2)"
    Glcd_Write_Text(someText, 5, 6, 2)           ' Write string


Hocam teşekkürler ama biraz daha basit bir uygulama var mı?


Alıntı yapılan: "QarizmaCocuq"Hocam teşekkürler ama biraz daha basit bir uygulama var mı?

Hocam proton kısmına baktınızmı 5 adet uygulama yapmıştım kaynak kodları çalışma resim ve videoları vardı.


Eyvallah aykut hocam.