Konuşan Termometre

Başlatan feyzi, 12 Aralık 2011, 18:05:23


Arkadaşlar! 18F452 ,SmartMP3 kartı ve DS1820 ile konuşan termometre yapmaya çalışıyorum.Termometre programındaki sıcaklık değerinin tutulduğu değişkeni tesbit edemiyorum.if...then veya select case ile karşılaştırmak istiyorum.Termometre programını aşağıya veriyorum:
program termoMikroB
dim i, j1, j2 as byte
    text      as string[6]
    tmp_sign  as byte


   text   = "Temp:"
   adcon1 = 255                     ' configure RA5 pin as digital I/O
   PORTA  = 255                     ' initialize porte to 255
   PORTB  =   0                     ' initialize portb to 255
   TRISA  = 255                     ' designate porte as input
   TRISB  =   0                     ' designate portb as output
   lcd_out(1, 1, text)
   lcd_chr(2, 12, 223)              ' 'degree' character
   lcd_chr(2, 13, "C")

   while TRUE
     ow_reset(PORTA, 5)             ' onewire reset signal
     ow_write(PORTA, 5, $CC)        ' issue command to DS1820
     ow_write(PORTA, 5, $44)        ' issue command to DS1820
     i = ow_reset(PORTA, 5)
     ow_write(PORTA, 5, $CC)        ' issue command to DS1820
     ow_write(PORTA, 5, $BE)        ' issue command to DS1820

     j1 = ow_read(PORTA, 5)         ' get result
     j2 = ow_read(PORTA, 5)         ' get result (assuming the temperature is positive)

     if j2 = $FF then
       tmp_sign = "-"               ' temperature sign
       j1= j1 or $FF                ' complement of two
       j1= j1 + $01
       tmp_sign = "+"
     end if
     j2 = (j1 and $01) * 5          ' Get decimal value
     j1 = j1 >> 1                   ' Get temp value

     ByteToStr(j1, text)            ' whole number
     lcd_chr(2, 7, tmp_sign)
     lcd_chr(2, 8, text[1])
     lcd_chr(2, 9, text[2])
     lcd_chr(2, 10, 46)             ''.'

     ByteToStr(j2, text)            ' decimal
     lcd_chr(2, 11, text[2])

   wend                             'endless loop
"insanların hayırlısı ,onlara faydalı olandır."  (H.Ş.)


J1 ve j2 degiskenlerinde 2 byte olarak tutuyor veriyi.


Alıntı yapılan: mcan - 12 Aralık 2011, 18:54:48
J1 ve j2 degiskenlerinde 2 byte olarak tutuyor veriyi.
Karşılaştırmada,hem j1 hemde j2'yi denedim.Olmadı.Hatta,text[1] ve text[2]'yi dahi denedim.
"insanların hayırlısı ,onlara faydalı olandır."  (H.Ş.)


Bilgisayar öğretmeni bir arkadaşın yardımıyla konu çözüldü.Konuşan termometre kodlarını veriyorum:

program ayh

' Declarations section
dim BtnLeftDown            as sbit at RB7_bit
dim BtnLeftUp              as sbit at RB6_bit
dim BtnRightDown           as sbit at RB5_bit
dim BtnRightUp             as sbit at RB4_bit
dim BtnLeftDown_Direction  as sbit at TRISB7_bit
dim BtnLeftUp_Direction    as sbit at TRISB6_bit
dim BtnRightDown_Direction as sbit at TRISB5_bit
dim BtnRightUp_Direction   as sbit at TRISB4_bit

' Smart MP3 board connections
dim Mmc_Chip_Select           as sbit at RC0_bit
dim MP3_CS                    as sbit at RC1_bit
dim MP3_RST                   as sbit at RC2_bit
dim DREQ                      as sbit at RD0_bit
dim BSYNC                     as sbit at RD1_bit
dim DCLK                      as sbit at RD2_bit
dim SDATA                     as sbit at RD3_bit
dim Mmc_Chip_Select_Direction as sbit at TRISC0_bit
dim MP3_CS_Direction          as sbit at TRISC1_bit
dim MP3_RST_Direction         as sbit at TRISC2_bit
dim DREQ_Direction            as sbit at TRISD0_bit
dim BSYNC_Direction           as sbit at TRISD1_bit
dim DCLK_Direction            as sbit at TRISD2_bit
dim SDATA_Direction           as sbit at TRISD3_bit

' VS1011E constants
const WRITE_CODE  as byte = 0x02
const READ_CODE   as byte = 0x03
const MODE_ADDR   as byte = 0x00
const CLOCKF_ADDR as byte = 0x03
const VOL_ADDR    as byte = 0x0B

' global variables
const BUFFER_SIZE = 512
dim filename as string[13]
   j1,j2, i, file_size as longword
   dim j as byte
    data_buffer_32 as byte[32]
    BufferLarge as byte[BUFFER_SIZE]
    volume_left, volume_right as byte
    const TEMP_RESOLUTION as byte = 9
dim sc as integer
dim text as char[6]
    temp as word

sub procedure Display_Temperature( dim temp2write as word )

dim temp_whole as byte
    temp_fraction as word

    text = "000"
    ' Check if temperature is negative
    if (temp2write and 0x8000) then
        text[0] = "-"
        temp2write = not temp2write + 1
    end if

    ' Extract temp_whole
    temp_whole = word(temp2write >> RES_SHIFT)

    ' Convert temp_whole to characters
    if ( temp_whole div 100 ) then
      text[0] = temp_whole div 100  + 48
      text[0] = "0"
    end if

    text[1] = (temp_whole div 10)mod 10 + 48               ' Extract tens digit
    text[2] =  temp_whole mod 10        + 48               ' Extract ones digit

    ' Extract temp_fraction and convert it to unsigned int
    temp_fraction  =  word(temp2write << (4-RES_SHIFT))
    temp_fraction  = temp_fraction and 0x000F
    temp_fraction  = temp_fraction * 625

    ' Convert temp_fraction to characters
    text[4] = word(temp_fraction div 1000)    + 48         ' Extract thousands digit
    text[5] = word((temp_fraction div 100)mod 10 + 48)     ' Extract hundreds digit
    text[6] = word((temp_fraction div 10)mod 10  + 48)     ' Extract tens digit

end sub

' Write text and goto new line CR and LF
sub procedure UART1_Write_Line(dim byref text as string[50])
end sub

' Writes one byte to MP3 SDI
sub procedure SW_SPI_Write(dim data_ as byte)

  BSYNC = 1                              ' Set BSYNC before sending the first bit

  DCLK = 0
  SDATA = data_.0                        ' bitorder is LSB first
  DCLK = 1

  DCLK = 0
  SDATA = data_.1
  DCLK = 1

  BSYNC = 0                              ' Clear BSYNC after sending the second bit

  DCLK = 0
  SDATA = data_.2
  DCLK = 1

  DCLK = 0
  SDATA = data_.3
  DCLK = 1

  DCLK = 0
  SDATA = data_.4
  DCLK = 1

  DCLK = 0
  SDATA = data_.5
  DCLK = 1

  DCLK = 0
  SDATA = data_.6
  DCLK = 1

  DCLK = 0
  SDATA = data_.7
  DCLK = 1

  DCLK = 0
end sub

' Writes one word to MP3 SCI
sub procedure MP3_SCI_Write(dim address as byte, dim data_in as word)
  MP3_CS = 0                              ' select MP3 SCI
  SPI1_Write(Hi(data_in))                  ' high byte
  SPI1_Write(Lo(data_in))                  ' low byte
  MP3_CS = 1                              ' deselect MP3 SCI
  while (DREQ = 0) nop wend               ' wait until DREQ becomes 1, see MP3 codec datasheet, Serial Protocol for SCI
end sub

' Reads words_count words from MP3 SCI
sub procedure MP3_SCI_Read(dim start_address, words_count as byte, dim data_buffer as ^byte)
dim i as byte
  MP3_CS = 0                              ' select MP3 SCI
  SPI1_Write(READ_CODE)                    ' Read command

  for i = 1 to (2*words_count)            ' read words_count words byte per byte
    data_buffer^ = SPI1_Read(0)            ' read and store a byte
    Inc(data_buffer)                      ' point to next byte
  next i
  MP3_CS = 1                              ' deselect MP3 SCI
  while (DREQ = 0) nop wend               ' wait until DREQ becomes 1, see MP3 codec datasheet, Serial Protocol for SCI
end sub

' Write one byte to MP3 SDI
sub procedure MP3_SDI_Write(dim data_ as byte)
  while (DREQ = 0) nop wend               ' wait until DREQ becomes 1, see MP3 codec datasheet, Serial Protocol for SCI

end sub

' Write 32 bytes to MP3 SDI
sub procedure MP3_SDI_Write_32(dim data_ as ^byte)
  dim i as byte

  while (DREQ = 0) nop wend               ' wait until DREQ becomes 1, see MP3 codec datasheet, Serial Protocol for SCI

  for i = 1 to 32
    SW_SPI_Write(data_^)                  ' Write byte pointed by data
  next i
end sub

' Set clock
sub procedure Set_Clock(dim clock_khz_ as word, dim doubler as byte)
  clock_khz_ = clock_khz_ / 2             ' calculate value
  if (doubler > 0) then
    clock_khz_ = clock_khz_ or 0x40000
  end if

  MP3_SCI_Write(CLOCKF_ADDR, clock_khz_)  ' Write value to CLOCKF register
end sub

' Set volume
sub procedure Set_Volume(dim left_, right_ as byte)
dim volume as word
  volume = (left_ << 8) + right_          ' calculate value
  MP3_SCI_Write(VOL_ADDR, volume)         ' Write value to VOL register
end sub

' If volume Buttons are pressed update volume
sub procedure Check_Volume()
  dim old_volume_left, old_volume_right as byte

  old_volume_left  = volume_left          ' save volume values
  old_volume_right = volume_right

  if (BtnLeftDown) then                   ' RB7 pressed = LEFT VOLUME DOWN command
    if (volume_left < 255) then
    end if
  end if

  if (BtnLeftUp) then                     ' RB6 pressed = LEFT VOLUME UP command
    if (volume_left > 0) then
    end if
  end if

  if (BtnRightDown) then                  ' RB5 pressed = RIGHT VOLUME DOWN command
    if (volume_right < 255) then
    end if
  end if

  if (BtnRightUp) then                    ' RB4 pressed = RIGHT VOLUME UP command
    if (volume_right > 0) then
    end if
  end if

  ' if volume values are changed, set volume to new values
  if  (volume_left <> old_volume_left) or (volume_right <> old_volume_right) then
  end if
end sub

' Software Reset
sub procedure Soft_Reset(dim fill_zeros as byte)
  dim i as byte

  MP3_SCI_Write(MODE_ADDR,0x0204)         ' Write to MODE register
                                          '   set SM_RESET bit and SM_BITORD bit(bitorder is LSB first)
  Delay_us(2)                             ' Required, see MP3 codec datasheet -> Software Reset
  while (DREQ = 0) nop wend               ' wait until DREQ becomes 1, see MP3 codec datasheet, Serial Protocol for SCI

  if (fill_zeros > 0) then                ' feed 2048 zeros to the MP3 SDI bus:
    for i = 0 to 31                       ' clear 32byte buffer
      data_buffer_32 = 0
    next i

    for i = 0 to 2048/32 - 1              ' use 32byte buffer to clear MP3 buffer
    next i
    MP3_SDI_Write(0)                      ' write zero once
  end if

end sub

' Initialize VS1011E
sub procedure MP3_init()
  Soft_Reset(0)                           ' SW Reset, do not feed zeros

  Set_Clock(25000,0)                      ' Set clock to 25MHz, do not use clock doubler

  volume_left  = 25                       ' Set volume to initial value
  volume_right = 25
end sub

sub procedure Init()
  ADCON1 = ADCON1 or 0x0F                 ' Configure AN pins as digital
  'CMCON  = CMCON  or 7                    ' Disable comparators


  BtnLeftDown_Direction  = 1              ' set pin direction as input
  BtnLeftUp_Direction    = 1
  BtnRightDown_Direction = 1
  BtnRightUp_Direction   = 1
  BtnLeftDown  = 0                        ' set pin value to zero
  BtnLeftUp    = 0
  BtnRightDown = 0
  BtnRightUp   = 0

  DCLK_Direction  = 0                     ' Set SW SPI pin directions to output
  SDATA_Direction = 0
  DCLK  = 0                               ' Clear SW SPI SCK
  SDATA = 0                               ' Clear SW SPI SDO

  MP3_CS_Direction  = 0                   ' Configure MP3_CS as output
  MP3_CS            = 1                   ' Deselect MP3_CS
  MP3_RST_Direction = 0                   ' Configure MP3_RST as output
  MP3_RST           = 1                   ' Set MP3_RST pin

  DREQ_Direction  = 1                     ' Configure DREQ as input
  BSYNC_Direction = 0                     ' Configure BSYNC as output
  BSYNC           = 0                     ' Clear BSYNC
end sub

  while TRUE
select case sc
case 18
case 19
case 20
case 21
case 22
  case 23
  case 24
  case 25
    case 26
  case 27
   case 28
  case 29
   case 30
end select

   ' Initialize USART for signaling

     UART1_Write_Line("Initializing SPI")

     UART1_Write_Line("Initializing VS1011E decoder interface")

     UART1_Write_Line("Initializing MMC_FAT")

      text = "000.0000"

       ow_reset(PORTA,5)              ' onewire hattýna reset signali gönder
       ow_write(PORTA,5,$CC)          ' DS1820  komutu  (pdf dosyaya bakýn )
       ow_write(PORTA,5,$44)          ' DS1820  komutu  (pdf dosyaya bakýn )
       i = ow_reset(PORTA,5)
       ow_write(PORTA,5,$CC)          ' DS1820  komutu  (pdf dosyaya bakýn )
       ow_write(PORTA,5,$BE)          ' DS1820  komutu  (pdf dosyaya bakýn )

       j1 = ow_read(PORTA,5)          ' sonucu al
       j2 = ow_read(PORTA,5)          ' sonucu al (varsayýlan sýcaklýk +)

       if j2 = $FF then
          'isaret = "-"                ' sýcaklýk iþareti
          j1 = j1 or $FF              ' 2 nin komplementi
          j1 = j1 + $01
       'isaret = "+"
       end if

       j2 = (j1 and $01) * 5          ' onluk deðerin elde edilmesi
       j1 = j1 >> 1                   ' sýcaklýk deðerinin elde edilmesi
       ByteToStr(j1, text)            ' tüm sayý

     if (Mmc_Fat_Init() = 0) then
      if (Mmc_Fat_Assign(filename, 0) <> 0) then
       UART1_Write_Line("File Assigned")
       Mmc_Fat_Reset(file_size)            ' Call Reset before file reading,
                                          '   procedure returns size of the file
      ' send file blocks to MP3 SDI
       while (file_size > BUFFER_SIZE)

        for i = 0 to BUFFER_SIZE - 1
        next i

        for i = 0 to BUFFER_SIZE/32 - 1
          MP3_SDI_Write_32(@BufferLarge + i*32)
        next i

        file_size = file_size - BUFFER_SIZE


      ' send the rest of the file to MP3 SDI
       for i = 0 to file_size - 1
       next i

       for i = 0 to file_size - 1
       next i
       UART1_Write_Line("File not assigned")
      end if
      UART1_Write_Line("MMC FAT not initialized")
     end if

"insanların hayırlısı ,onlara faydalı olandır."  (H.Ş.)