Ynt: Flexy Grafik lcd driver var mı?

Başlatan Extreme, 17 Nisan 2013, 23:49:35



chip select read/write gibi pinler driverlarda rahatça belirlenebiliyor fakat data bacaklarının belirlendiğini ben bulamadım.

karakter lcdlerdeki rahatça istediğimiz pini istediğimiz picin bacağına bağlayabileceğimiz driver var mı 128X64 grafik lcdler için ks0108?

#define GLCD_CS1     PIN_B0   // Chip Selection 1

#define GLCD_CS2     PIN_B1   // Chip Selection 2

#define GLCD_DI      PIN_B2   // Data or Instruction input

#define GLCD_RW      PIN_B4   // Read/Write

#define GLCD_E       PIN_B5   // Enable

#define GLCD_RST  PIN_A1

mesaj birleştirme:: 17 Nisan 2013, 23:50:01

Alıntı yapılan: Extreme - 17 Nisan 2013, 23:49:35

chip select read/write gibi pinler driverlarda rahatça belirlenebiliyor fakat db0-db7 belirlendiğini ben bulamadım.

karakter lcdlerdeki rahatça istediğimiz pini istediğimiz picin bacağına bağlayabileceğimiz driver var mı 128X64 grafik lcdler için ks0108?

#define GLCD_CS1     PIN_B0   // Chip Selection 1

#define GLCD_CS2     PIN_B1   // Chip Selection 2

#define GLCD_DI      PIN_B2   // Data or Instruction input

#define GLCD_RW      PIN_B4   // Read/Write

#define GLCD_E       PIN_B5   // Enable

#define GLCD_RST  PIN_A1


HDM64GS12.c deki tum

output_d(data);            // Put the data on the port

yerler degistirilip

output_b deyip b portu kullanılabilir bit bit tanımlı değil, hatta en basa diger tanımlamalardaki gibi ifndefine da eklenebilir diye dusundum


d veya b kullanmak önemli deyil karışık olarak kullanmak istiyorum baskı devre için hangi pin daha uygunsa onu seçicem
db0 >pic b0 veya picd0 olması önemli deyil


lcd driver in write data fonksiyonuna mudahil olman lazım...

çok zor değil...


////                           HDM64GS12.c                           ////
////                                                                 ////
//// This file contains drivers for using a Hantronix HDM64GS12 with ////
//// a KS0108 display controller. The HDM64GS12 is 128 by 64 pixels. ////
//// The driver treats the upper left pixel as (0,0).                ////
////                                                                 ////
//// Use #define FAST_GLCD if the target chip has at least 1k of RAM ////
//// to decrease the time it takes to update the display.            ////
//// glcd_update() must then be called to update the display after   ////
//// changing the pixel information.                                 ////
//// See ex_glcd.c for suggested usage.                              ////
//// See KS0108.c for controlling a single 64 by 64 display          ////
////                                                                 ////
//// LCD Pin connections:                                            ////
//// (These can be changed as needed in the following defines).      ////
////  * 1: VSS is connected to GND                                   ////
////  * 2: VDD is connected to +5V                                   ////
////  * 3: V0  - LCD operating voltage (Constrast adjustment)        ////
////  * 4: D/I - Data or Instruction is connected to B2              ////
////  * 5: R/W - Read or Write is connected to B4                    ////
////  * 6: Enable is connected to B5                                 ////
////  *7-14: Data Bus 0 to 7 is connected to port d                  ////
////  *15: Chip Select 1 is connected to B0                          ////
////  *16: Chip Select 2 is connected to B1                          ////
////  *17: Reset is connected to C0                                  ////
////  *18: Negative voltage is also connected to the 20k Ohm POT     ////
////  *19: Positive voltage for LED backlight is connected to +5V    ////
////  *20: Negavtive voltage for LED backlight is connected to GND   ////
////                                                                 ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_init(mode)                                                ////
////     * Must be called before any other function.                 ////
////       - mode can be ON or OFF to turn the LCD on or off         ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_pixel(x,y,color)                                          ////
////     * Sets the pixel to the given color.                        ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_fillScreen(color)                                         ////
////     * Fills the entire LCD with the given color.                ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_update()                                                  ////
////     * Write the display data stored in RAM to the LCD           ////
////     * Only available if FAST_GLCD is defined                    ////
////                                                                 ////
////        (C) Copyright 1996, 2004 Custom Computer Services        ////
//// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS  ////
//// C compiler.  This source code may only be distributed to other  ////
//// licensed users of the CCS C compiler.  No other use,            ////
//// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written       ////
//// permission.  Derivative programs created using this software    ////
//// in object code form are not restricted in any way.              ////

#ifndef HDM64GS12
#define HDM64GS12

#ifndef GLCD_WIDTH
#define GLCD_WIDTH   128

#ifndef GLCD_CS1
#define GLCD_CS1     PIN_B0   // Chip Selection 1

#ifndef GLCD_CS2
#define GLCD_CS2     PIN_B1   // Chip Selection 2

#ifndef GLCD_DI
#define GLCD_DI      PIN_B2   // Data or Instruction input

#ifndef GLCD_RW
#define GLCD_RW      PIN_B4   // Read/Write

#ifndef GLCD_E
#define GLCD_E       PIN_B5   // Enable

#ifndef GLCD_RST
#define GLCD_RST     PIN_C0   // Reset

#define GLCD_LEFT    0
#define GLCD_RIGHT   1

#ifndef ON
#define ON           1

#ifndef OFF
#define OFF          0

// Function Prototypes
void glcd_init(int1 mode);
void glcd_pixel(int8 x, int8 y, int1 color);
void glcd_fillScreen(int1 color);
void glcd_writeByte(int1 side, BYTE data);
BYTE glcd_readByte(int1 side);
void glcd_update();

#ifdef FAST_GLCD
   int8 left[512];
   int8 right[512];
} displayData;

// Purpose:       Initialize the LCD.
//                Call before using any other LCD function.
// Inputs:        OFF - Turns the LCD off
//                ON  - Turns the LCD on
void glcd_init(int1 mode)
   // Initialze some pins

   output_low(GLCD_DI);                 // Set for instruction
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0xC0);    // Specify first RAM line at the top
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xC0);    //   of the screen
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0x40);    // Set the column address to 0
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x40);
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0xB8);    // Set the page address to 0
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xB8);

   if(mode == ON)
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0x3F); // Turn the display on
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x3F);
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0x3E); // Turn the display off
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x3E);

   glcd_fillScreen(OFF);                // Clear the display

   #ifdef FAST_GLCD

// Purpose:    Update the LCD with data from the display arrays
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
void glcd_update()
   int8 i, j;
   int8 *p1, *p2;

   p1 = displayData.left;
   p2 = displayData.right;

   // Loop through the vertical pages
   for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
      output_low(GLCD_DI);                      // Set for instruction
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0x40);          // Set horizontal address to 0
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x40);
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, i | 0xB8);      // Set page address
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, i | 0xB8);
      output_high(GLCD_DI);                     // Set for data

      // Loop through the horizontal sections
      for(j = 0; j < 64; ++j)
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, *p1++);      // Turn pixels on or off
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, *p2++);     // Turn pixels on or off

// Purpose:    Turn a pixel on a graphic LCD on or off
// Inputs:     1) x - the x coordinate of the pixel
//             2) y - the y coordinate of the pixel
//             3) color - ON or OFF
void glcd_pixel(int8 x, int8 y, int1 color)
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
   int8* p;
   int16 temp;
   temp =  y/8;
   temp *= 64;
   temp += x;

   if(x > 63)
      p = displayData.right + temp - 64;
      p = displayData.left + temp;

      bit_set(*p, y%8);
      bit_clear(*p, y%8);
   BYTE data;
   int1 side = GLCD_LEFT;  // Stores which chip to use on the LCD

   if(x > 63)              // Check for first or second display area
      x -= 64;
      side = GLCD_RIGHT;

   output_low(GLCD_DI);                         // Set for instruction
   bit_clear(x,7);                              // Clear the MSB. Part of an instruction code
   bit_set(x,6);                                // Set bit 6. Also part of an instruction code
   glcd_writeByte(side, x);                     // Set the horizontal address
   glcd_writeByte(side, (y/8 & 0xBF) | 0xB8);   // Set the vertical page address
   output_high(GLCD_DI);                        // Set for data
   glcd_readByte(side);                         // Need two reads to get data
   data = glcd_readByte(side);                  //  at new address

   if(color == ON)
      bit_set(data, y%8);        // Turn the pixel on
   else                          // or
      bit_clear(data, y%8);      // turn the pixel off

   output_low(GLCD_DI);          // Set for instruction
   glcd_writeByte(side, x);      // Set the horizontal address
   output_high(GLCD_DI);         // Set for data
   glcd_writeByte(side, data);   // Write the pixel data

// Purpose:    Fill the LCD screen with the passed in color
// Inputs:     ON  - turn all the pixels on
//             OFF - turn all the pixels off
void glcd_fillScreen(int1 color)
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
   int8  data;
   int8  *p1, *p2;
   int16 i;

   p1 = displayData.left;
   p2 = displayData.right;
   data = 0xFF * color;

   for(i=0; i<512; ++i)
      *p1++ = data;
      *p2++ = data;
   int8 i, j;

   // Loop through the vertical pages
   for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
      output_low(GLCD_DI);                      // Set for instruction
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0b01000000);    // Set horizontal address to 0
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0b01000000);
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, i | 0b10111000);// Set page address
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, i | 0b10111000);
      output_high(GLCD_DI);                     // Set for data

      // Loop through the horizontal sections
      for(j = 0; j < 64; ++j)
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0xFF*color);  // Turn pixels on or off
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xFF*color); // Turn pixels on or off

// Purpose:    Write a byte of data to the specified chip
// Inputs:     1) chipSelect - which chip to write the data to
//             2) data - the byte of data to write
void glcd_writeByte(int1 side, BYTE data)
   if(side)                   // Choose which side to write to

   output_low(GLCD_RW);       // Set for writing
   output_d(data);            // Put the data on the port
   output_high(GLCD_E);       // Pulse the enable pin

   output_low(GLCD_CS1);      // Reset the chip select lines

// Purpose:    Reads a byte of data from the specified chip
// Ouputs:     A byte of data read from the chip
BYTE glcd_readByte(int1 side)
   BYTE data;                 // Stores the data read from the LCD

   set_tris_d(0xFF);          // Set port d to input
   output_high(GLCD_RW);      // Set for reading

   if(side)                   // Choose which side to write to

   output_high(GLCD_E);       // Pulse the enable pin
   data = input_d();          // Get the data from the display's output register

   output_low(GLCD_CS1);      // Reset the chip select lines
   return data;               // Return the read data


Ben onu yapmayı beceremedim allegro hocam elinde olan varsa paylaşırsa sevinirim.


void glcd_writeByte(int1 side, BYTE data)
   if(side)                   // Choose which side to write to

   output_low(GLCD_RW);       // Set for writing
   output_d(data);            // Put the data on the port
   output_high(GLCD_E);       // Pulse the enable pin

   output_low(GLCD_CS1);      // Reset the chip select lines

Bold taraf var ya,
onu nereye yazmak istiyorsan oraya yönlendireceksin...

mesaj birleştirme:: 18 Nisan 2013, 13:46:06

Extreme sadece senin için değil,
Mcu ile uğraşan bütün arkadaşlara tavsiyem:

2x16 LCD sürücüsünü kendiniz yazın,
Birçok şey öğreneceğinize eminim...
En basitinden mevcut sürücüleri değiştirmeyi de öğreneceksiniz.


ccsnin dahili driverleri  glcd sürmede biraz  zayıf kalıyorlar.


////                           flexy_HDM64GS12.c                           ////
////                           str                             ////
//// This file contains drivers for using a Hantronix HDM64GS12 with ////
//// a KS0108 display controller. The HDM64GS12 is 128 by 64 pixels. ////
//// The driver treats the upper left pixel as (0,0).                ////
////                                                                 ////
//// Use #define FAST_GLCD if the target chip has at least 1k of RAM ////
//// to decrease the time it takes to update the display.            ////
//// glcd_update() must then be called to update the display after   ////
//// changing the pixel information.                                 ////
//// See ex_glcd.c for suggested usage.                              ////
//// See KS0108.c for controlling a single 64 by 64 display          ////
////                                                                 ////
//// LCD Pin connections:                                            ////
//// (These can be changed as needed in the following defines).      ////
////  * 1: VSS is connected to GND                                   ////
////  * 2: VDD is connected to +5V                                   ////
////  * 3: V0  - LCD operating voltage (Constrast adjustment)        ////
////  * 4: D/I - Data or Instruction is connected to B2              ////
////  * 5: R/W - Read or Write is connected to B4                    ////
////  * 6: Enable is connected to B5                                 ////
////  *7-14: Data Bus 0 to 7 is connected to port d                  ////
////  *15: Chip Select 1 is connected to B0                          ////
////  *16: Chip Select 2 is connected to B1                          ////
////  *17: Reset is connected to C0                                  ////
////  *18: Negative voltage is also connected to the 20k Ohm POT     ////
////  *19: Positive voltage for LED backlight is connected to +5V    ////
////  *20: Negavtive voltage for LED backlight is connected to GND   ////
////                                                                 ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_init(mode)                                                ////
////     * Must be called before any other function.                 ////
////       - mode can be ON or OFF to turn the LCD on or off         ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_pixel(x,y,color)                                          ////
////     * Sets the pixel to the given color.                        ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_fillScreen(color)                                         ////
////     * Fills the entire LCD with the given color.                ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_update()                                                  ////
////     * Write the display data stored in RAM to the LCD           ////
////     * Only available if FAST_GLCD is defined                    ////
////                                                                 ////
////        (C) Copyright 1996, 2004 Custom Computer Services        ////
//// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS  ////
//// C compiler.  This source code may only be distributed to other  ////
//// licensed users of the CCS C compiler.  No other use,            ////
//// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written       ////
//// permission.  Derivative programs created using this software    ////
//// in object code form are not restricted in any way.              ////

#ifndef HDM64GS12
#define HDM64GS12

#ifndef GLCD_WIDTH
#define GLCD_WIDTH   128

#ifndef GLCD_CS1
#define GLCD_CS1     PIN_B0   // Chip Selection 1

#ifndef GLCD_CS2
#define GLCD_CS2     PIN_B1   // Chip Selection 2

#ifndef GLCD_DI
#define GLCD_DI      PIN_B2   // Data or Instruction input

#ifndef GLCD_RW
#define GLCD_RW      PIN_B4   // Read/Write

#ifndef GLCD_E
#define GLCD_E       PIN_B5   // Enable

#ifndef GLCD_RST
#define GLCD_RST     PIN_C0   // Reset

#ifndef GLCD_DB0
#define GLCD_DB0      PIN_D0   // data0

#ifndef GLCD_DB1
#define GLCD_DB1      PIN_D1   // data1

#ifndef GLCD_DB2
#define GLCD_DB2      PIN_D2   // data2

#ifndef GLCD_DB3
#define GLCD_DB3      PIN_D3   // data3

#ifndef GLCD_DB4
#define GLCD_DB4      PIN_D4   // data4

#ifndef GLCD_DB5
#define GLCD_DB5      PIN_D5   // data5

#ifndef GLCD_DB6
#define GLCD_DB6      PIN_D6   // data6

#ifndef GLCD_DB7
#define GLCD_DB7      PIN_D7   // data7

#define GLCD_LEFT    0
#define GLCD_RIGHT   1

#ifndef ON
#define ON           1

#ifndef OFF
#define OFF          0

// Function Prototypes
void glcd_init(int1 mode);
void glcd_pixel(unsigned int8 x, unsigned int8 y, int1 color);
void glcd_fillScreen(int1 color);
void glcd_writeByte(int1 side, BYTE data);
BYTE glcd_readByte(int1 side);
void glcd_update();

#ifdef FAST_GLCD
   unsigned int8 left[512];
   unsigned int8 right[512];
} displayData;

// Purpose:       Initialize the LCD.
//                Call before using any other LCD function.
// Inputs:        OFF - Turns the LCD off
//                ON  - Turns the LCD on
void glcd_init(int1 mode)
   // Initialze some pins

   output_low(GLCD_DI);                 // Set for instruction
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0xC0);    // Specify first RAM line at the top
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xC0);    //   of the screen
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0x40);    // Set the column address to 0
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x40);
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0xB8);    // Set the page address to 0
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xB8);

   if(mode == ON)
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0x3F); // Turn the display on
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x3F);
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0x3E); // Turn the display off
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x3E);

   glcd_fillScreen(OFF);                // Clear the display

   #ifdef FAST_GLCD

// Purpose:    Update the LCD with data from the display arrays
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
void glcd_update()
   unsigned int8 i, j;
   unsigned int8 *p1, *p2;

   p1 = displayData.left;
   p2 = displayData.right;

   // Loop through the vertical pages
   for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
      output_low(GLCD_DI);                      // Set for instruction
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0x40);          // Set horizontal address to 0
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x40);
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, i | 0xB8);      // Set page address
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, i | 0xB8);
      output_high(GLCD_DI);                     // Set for data

      // Loop through the horizontal sections
      for(j = 0; j < 64; ++j)
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, *p1++);      // Turn pixels on or off
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, *p2++);     // Turn pixels on or off

// Purpose:    Turn a pixel on a graphic LCD on or off
// Inputs:     1) x - the x coordinate of the pixel
//             2) y - the y coordinate of the pixel
//             3) color - ON or OFF
void glcd_pixel(unsigned int8 x, unsigned int8 y, int1 color)
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
   unsigned int8* p;
   unsigned int16 temp;
   temp =  y/8;
   temp *= 64;
   temp += x;

   if(x > 63)
      p = displayData.right + temp - 64;
      p = displayData.left + temp;

      bit_set(*p, y%8);
      bit_clear(*p, y%8);
   BYTE data;
   int1 side = GLCD_LEFT;  // Stores which chip to use on the LCD

   if(x > 63)              // Check for first or second display area
      x -= 64;
      side = GLCD_RIGHT;

   output_low(GLCD_DI);                         // Set for instruction
   bit_clear(x,7);                              // Clear the MSB. Part of an instruction code
   bit_set(x,6);                                // Set bit 6. Also part of an instruction code
   glcd_writeByte(side, x);                     // Set the horizontal address
   glcd_writeByte(side, (y/8 & 0xBF) | 0xB8);   // Set the vertical page address
   output_high(GLCD_DI);                        // Set for data
   glcd_readByte(side);                         // Need two reads to get data
   data = glcd_readByte(side);                  //  at new address

   if(color == ON)
      bit_set(data, y%8);        // Turn the pixel on
   else                          // or
      bit_clear(data, y%8);      // turn the pixel off

   output_low(GLCD_DI);          // Set for instruction
   glcd_writeByte(side, x);      // Set the horizontal address
   output_high(GLCD_DI);         // Set for data
   glcd_writeByte(side, data);   // Write the pixel data

// Purpose:    Fill the LCD screen with the passed in color
// Inputs:     ON  - turn all the pixels on
//             OFF - turn all the pixels off
void glcd_fillScreen(int1 color)
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
   unsigned int8  data;
   unsigned int8  *p1, *p2;
   unsigned int16 i;

   p1 = displayData.left;
   p2 = displayData.right;
   data = 0xFF * color;

   for(i=0; i<512; ++i)
   	*p1++ = data;
   	*p2++ = data;
   unsigned int8 i, j;

   // Loop through the vertical pages
   for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
      output_low(GLCD_DI);                      // Set for instruction
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0b01000000);    // Set horizontal address to 0
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0b01000000);
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, i | 0b10111000);// Set page address
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, i | 0b10111000);
      output_high(GLCD_DI);                     // Set for data

      // Loop through the horizontal sections
      for(j = 0; j < 64; ++j)
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0xFF*color);  // Turn pixels on or off
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xFF*color); // Turn pixels on or off

// Purpose:    Write a byte of data to the specified chip
// Inputs:     1) chipSelect - which chip to write the data to
//             2) data - the byte of data to write
void glcd_writeByte(int1 side, BYTE data)
   output_low(GLCD_RW);       // Set for writing

	 if(side)                   // Choose which side to write to


output_bit(GLCD_DB0, !!(data & 1));
output_bit(GLCD_DB1, !!(data & 2));
output_bit(GLCD_DB2, !!(data & 4));
output_bit(GLCD_DB3, !!(data & 8));
output_bit(GLCD_DB4, !!(data & 16));
output_bit(GLCD_DB5, !!(data & 32));
output_bit(GLCD_DB6, !!(data & 64));
output_bit(GLCD_DB7, !!(data & 128));

   output_high(GLCD_E);       // Pulse the enable pin

   output_low(GLCD_CS1);      // Reset the chip select lines

// Purpose:    Reads a byte of data from the specified chip
// Ouputs:     A byte of data read from the chip
BYTE glcd_readByte(int1 side)
   BYTE data;                 // Stores the data read from the LCD
   #bit data_0 = data.0
   #bit data_1 = data.1
   #bit data_2 = data.2
   #bit data_3 = data.3
   #bit data_4 = data.4
   #bit data_5 = data.5
   #bit data_6 = data.6
   #bit data_7 = data.7

   output_high(GLCD_RW);      // Set for reading

   if(side)                   // Choose which side to write to

   output_high(GLCD_E);       // Pulse the enable pin
   data_0 = input(GLCD_DB0);
   data_1 = input(GLCD_DB1);
   data_2 = input(GLCD_DB2);
   data_3 = input(GLCD_DB3);
   data_4 = input(GLCD_DB4);
   data_5 = input(GLCD_DB5);
   data_6 = input(GLCD_DB6);
   data_7 = input(GLCD_DB7);


   output_low(GLCD_CS1);      // Reset the chip select lines
   return data;               // Return the read data


orginal kodu brz duzenledim denedigimde sorun gorunmedi bi test edin isterseniz


Alıntı yapılan: striger - 18 Nisan 2013, 20:37:16
////                           flexy_HDM64GS12.c                           ////
////                           str                             ////
//// This file contains drivers for using a Hantronix HDM64GS12 with ////
//// a KS0108 display controller. The HDM64GS12 is 128 by 64 pixels. ////
//// The driver treats the upper left pixel as (0,0).                ////
////                                                                 ////
//// Use #define FAST_GLCD if the target chip has at least 1k of RAM ////
//// to decrease the time it takes to update the display.            ////
//// glcd_update() must then be called to update the display after   ////
//// changing the pixel information.                                 ////
//// See ex_glcd.c for suggested usage.                              ////
//// See KS0108.c for controlling a single 64 by 64 display          ////
////                                                                 ////
//// LCD Pin connections:                                            ////
//// (These can be changed as needed in the following defines).      ////
////  * 1: VSS is connected to GND                                   ////
////  * 2: VDD is connected to +5V                                   ////
////  * 3: V0  - LCD operating voltage (Constrast adjustment)        ////
////  * 4: D/I - Data or Instruction is connected to B2              ////
////  * 5: R/W - Read or Write is connected to B4                    ////
////  * 6: Enable is connected to B5                                 ////
////  *7-14: Data Bus 0 to 7 is connected to port d                  ////
////  *15: Chip Select 1 is connected to B0                          ////
////  *16: Chip Select 2 is connected to B1                          ////
////  *17: Reset is connected to C0                                  ////
////  *18: Negative voltage is also connected to the 20k Ohm POT     ////
////  *19: Positive voltage for LED backlight is connected to +5V    ////
////  *20: Negavtive voltage for LED backlight is connected to GND   ////
////                                                                 ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_init(mode)                                                ////
////     * Must be called before any other function.                 ////
////       - mode can be ON or OFF to turn the LCD on or off         ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_pixel(x,y,color)                                          ////
////     * Sets the pixel to the given color.                        ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_fillScreen(color)                                         ////
////     * Fills the entire LCD with the given color.                ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_update()                                                  ////
////     * Write the display data stored in RAM to the LCD           ////
////     * Only available if FAST_GLCD is defined                    ////
////                                                                 ////
////        (C) Copyright 1996, 2004 Custom Computer Services        ////
//// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS  ////
//// C compiler.  This source code may only be distributed to other  ////
//// licensed users of the CCS C compiler.  No other use,            ////
//// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written       ////
//// permission.  Derivative programs created using this software    ////
//// in object code form are not restricted in any way.              ////

#ifndef HDM64GS12
#define HDM64GS12

#ifndef GLCD_WIDTH
#define GLCD_WIDTH   128

#ifndef GLCD_CS1
#define GLCD_CS1     PIN_B0   // Chip Selection 1

#ifndef GLCD_CS2
#define GLCD_CS2     PIN_B1   // Chip Selection 2

#ifndef GLCD_DI
#define GLCD_DI      PIN_B2   // Data or Instruction input

#ifndef GLCD_RW
#define GLCD_RW      PIN_B4   // Read/Write

#ifndef GLCD_E
#define GLCD_E       PIN_B5   // Enable

#ifndef GLCD_RST
#define GLCD_RST     PIN_C0   // Reset

#ifndef GLCD_DB0
#define GLCD_DB0      PIN_D0   // data0

#ifndef GLCD_DB1
#define GLCD_DB1      PIN_D1   // data1

#ifndef GLCD_DB2
#define GLCD_DB2      PIN_D2   // data2

#ifndef GLCD_DB3
#define GLCD_DB3      PIN_D3   // data3

#ifndef GLCD_DB4
#define GLCD_DB4      PIN_D4   // data4

#ifndef GLCD_DB5
#define GLCD_DB5      PIN_D5   // data5

#ifndef GLCD_DB6
#define GLCD_DB6      PIN_D6   // data6

#ifndef GLCD_DB7
#define GLCD_DB7      PIN_D7   // data7

#define GLCD_LEFT    0
#define GLCD_RIGHT   1

#ifndef ON
#define ON           1

#ifndef OFF
#define OFF          0

// Function Prototypes
void glcd_init(int1 mode);
void glcd_pixel(unsigned int8 x, unsigned int8 y, int1 color);
void glcd_fillScreen(int1 color);
void glcd_writeByte(int1 side, BYTE data);
BYTE glcd_readByte(int1 side);
void glcd_update();

#ifdef FAST_GLCD
   unsigned int8 left[512];
   unsigned int8 right[512];
} displayData;

// Purpose:       Initialize the LCD.
//                Call before using any other LCD function.
// Inputs:        OFF - Turns the LCD off
//                ON  - Turns the LCD on
void glcd_init(int1 mode)
   // Initialze some pins

   output_low(GLCD_DI);                 // Set for instruction
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0xC0);    // Specify first RAM line at the top
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xC0);    //   of the screen
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0x40);    // Set the column address to 0
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x40);
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0xB8);    // Set the page address to 0
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xB8);

   if(mode == ON)
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0x3F); // Turn the display on
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x3F);
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT,  0x3E); // Turn the display off
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x3E);

   glcd_fillScreen(OFF);                // Clear the display

   #ifdef FAST_GLCD

// Purpose:    Update the LCD with data from the display arrays
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
void glcd_update()
   unsigned int8 i, j;
   unsigned int8 *p1, *p2;

   p1 = displayData.left;
   p2 = displayData.right;

   // Loop through the vertical pages
   for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
      output_low(GLCD_DI);                      // Set for instruction
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0x40);          // Set horizontal address to 0
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x40);
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, i | 0xB8);      // Set page address
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, i | 0xB8);
      output_high(GLCD_DI);                     // Set for data

      // Loop through the horizontal sections
      for(j = 0; j < 64; ++j)
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, *p1++);      // Turn pixels on or off
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, *p2++);     // Turn pixels on or off

// Purpose:    Turn a pixel on a graphic LCD on or off
// Inputs:     1) x - the x coordinate of the pixel
//             2) y - the y coordinate of the pixel
//             3) color - ON or OFF
void glcd_pixel(unsigned int8 x, unsigned int8 y, int1 color)
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
   unsigned int8* p;
   unsigned int16 temp;
   temp =  y/8;
   temp *= 64;
   temp += x;

   if(x > 63)
      p = displayData.right + temp - 64;
      p = displayData.left + temp;

      bit_set(*p, y%8);
      bit_clear(*p, y%8);
   BYTE data;
   int1 side = GLCD_LEFT;  // Stores which chip to use on the LCD

   if(x > 63)              // Check for first or second display area
      x -= 64;
      side = GLCD_RIGHT;

   output_low(GLCD_DI);                         // Set for instruction
   bit_clear(x,7);                              // Clear the MSB. Part of an instruction code
   bit_set(x,6);                                // Set bit 6. Also part of an instruction code
   glcd_writeByte(side, x);                     // Set the horizontal address
   glcd_writeByte(side, (y/8 & 0xBF) | 0xB8);   // Set the vertical page address
   output_high(GLCD_DI);                        // Set for data
   glcd_readByte(side);                         // Need two reads to get data
   data = glcd_readByte(side);                  //  at new address

   if(color == ON)
      bit_set(data, y%8);        // Turn the pixel on
   else                          // or
      bit_clear(data, y%8);      // turn the pixel off

   output_low(GLCD_DI);          // Set for instruction
   glcd_writeByte(side, x);      // Set the horizontal address
   output_high(GLCD_DI);         // Set for data
   glcd_writeByte(side, data);   // Write the pixel data

// Purpose:    Fill the LCD screen with the passed in color
// Inputs:     ON  - turn all the pixels on
//             OFF - turn all the pixels off
void glcd_fillScreen(int1 color)
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
   unsigned int8  data;
   unsigned int8  *p1, *p2;
   unsigned int16 i;

   p1 = displayData.left;
   p2 = displayData.right;
   data = 0xFF * color;

   for(i=0; i<512; ++i)
   	*p1++ = data;
   	*p2++ = data;
   unsigned int8 i, j;

   // Loop through the vertical pages
   for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
      output_low(GLCD_DI);                      // Set for instruction
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0b01000000);    // Set horizontal address to 0
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0b01000000);
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, i | 0b10111000);// Set page address
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, i | 0b10111000);
      output_high(GLCD_DI);                     // Set for data

      // Loop through the horizontal sections
      for(j = 0; j < 64; ++j)
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0xFF*color);  // Turn pixels on or off
         glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xFF*color); // Turn pixels on or off

// Purpose:    Write a byte of data to the specified chip
// Inputs:     1) chipSelect - which chip to write the data to
//             2) data - the byte of data to write
void glcd_writeByte(int1 side, BYTE data)
   output_low(GLCD_RW);       // Set for writing

	 if(side)                   // Choose which side to write to


output_bit(GLCD_DB0, !!(data & 1));
output_bit(GLCD_DB1, !!(data & 2));
output_bit(GLCD_DB2, !!(data & 4));
output_bit(GLCD_DB3, !!(data & 8));
output_bit(GLCD_DB4, !!(data & 16));
output_bit(GLCD_DB5, !!(data & 32));
output_bit(GLCD_DB6, !!(data & 64));
output_bit(GLCD_DB7, !!(data & 128));

   output_high(GLCD_E);       // Pulse the enable pin

   output_low(GLCD_CS1);      // Reset the chip select lines

// Purpose:    Reads a byte of data from the specified chip
// Ouputs:     A byte of data read from the chip
BYTE glcd_readByte(int1 side)
   BYTE data;                 // Stores the data read from the LCD
   #bit data_0 = data.0
   #bit data_1 = data.1
   #bit data_2 = data.2
   #bit data_3 = data.3
   #bit data_4 = data.4
   #bit data_5 = data.5
   #bit data_6 = data.6
   #bit data_7 = data.7

   output_high(GLCD_RW);      // Set for reading

   if(side)                   // Choose which side to write to

   output_high(GLCD_E);       // Pulse the enable pin
   data_0 = input(GLCD_DB0);
   data_1 = input(GLCD_DB1);
   data_2 = input(GLCD_DB2);
   data_3 = input(GLCD_DB3);
   data_4 = input(GLCD_DB4);
   data_5 = input(GLCD_DB5);
   data_6 = input(GLCD_DB6);
   data_7 = input(GLCD_DB7);


   output_low(GLCD_CS1);      // Reset the chip select lines
   return data;               // Return the read data


orginal kodu brz duzenledim denedigimde sorun gorunmedi bi test edin isterseniz

İlk denemeler başarılı.

teşekkürler hocam.

ccs c nin sitesinde bile flexy grafik lcd driver yoktu.

daha sonra ayrıntılı dener yazarım.


Konfor ucuz deyildir bu size yavaşlama olarak dönecek.


sadogan hocam , siz ne önerirsiniz baskı devrede atlamalar pinler arasından geçirmek bana pek sağlıklı gelmiyo..

flexy yapınca daha iyi baskı devre çizimleri oluyor.İnş yavaşlama olarak geri dönmez.

Denemek lazım vakit bulunca deniycem.


Veri aktarımından dolayı direkt porta aktarmak kadar hızlı olmayacağı kesin,

Flexy rahatlığının "Mevcut uygulamada" bize ne kadar + iş yükü getirdiğini hesaplamak lazım...

Şu şekilde hesaplanır.
Uygulamamızda 1 sn de kaç adet Write işlemi yapıldığı ölçülür.
Misal 1400 kere çıktı...

Yeni kodun Kaç uS fazladan iş yükü oluşturduğu hesaplanır,
Diyelim ki 8 uS

8 x 1400 = 11.2 mS oldu

11.2 mS/1000 mS = + %1.12 İş yükü demek...

Yerine göre önemsiz bir miktar olabilir bu değer.