PICAXE nedir?

Başlatan overlok, 25 Eylül 2017, 00:43:08


bir devre araştırıyordum, sitenin birinde PICAXE 14m2 kullanılmış olarak karşıma çıktı. Nedir bu Picaxe? Sitede aşağıdaki kodlar vardı.

site: http://www.whiskeytangohotel.com/2012/03/voltmeter-clock-w-f-c-and-k-temperature.html

If you're still with us, here the PICAXE code:
; *******************************
; ***** www.whiskeytangohotel.com *****
; *******************************
;    Project Name: 3 Panel Meter Clock
; REV: FIN (everything works fine with clock and temp)
;    Start Date:  Feb 12, 2012
;    Program Rev History/Ideas:
; - to set clock push M or H button
; - push main button to display temp F, C, and K
; - Routine to drive 3 meters to full scale when main button AND (M OR H)
; is pressed.  This is to allow adjustment of trimmers to full scale.
; Adjustment to zero scale should be done first with power off.
; ******************************* 
;    PICAXE PE Rev: MacAXEPad 1.3.2

'define memory locations as symbols
symbol hour_meter = c.0 'LEG 7
symbol minute_meter = c.2 'LEG 5
symbol second_meter = b.2 ' LEG 11
symbol temp_switch = pinc.4 ' LEG3
symbol temp_sensor = b.5 'LEG8
symbol hour_set = pinc.3 'LEG3
symbol minute_set = pinc.1 'LEG6

symbol CthermoValue = b10
symbol FthermoValue = b11
symbol KthermoValue = w6 'b12 and b13
symbol seconds = b0
symbol minutes = b1 
symbol hours = b2
symbol day = b3
symbol date = b4
symbol month = b5
symbol year = b6
symbol blinky = b7
symbol Tens_Digi = b8   ;Used to get the Tens Digit from the $HEX RTC value
symbol Ones_Digi = b9 ;Used to get the Ones Digit from the $HEX RTC value
' w7 (b14 and b15) is used to control the PCM to the meters 

' Set the time on the DS1307 RTC
i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte ; set PICAXE as master and DS1307 slave address
pause 50 

'Set all meters to full scale with 100% duty cycle
pwmout hour_meter,99,400        
pwmout minute_meter,99,400    
pwmout second_meter,99,400   

'\/ \/ \/ \/ Un_REM THESE LINES (BELOW) IF SETTING UP A NEW RTC  \/ \/ \/ \/
' Set the RTC chip time
;  write time and date e.g. to 11:59:00 on Thurs 25/12/03
'; would be "writei2c 0,($00, $59, $11, $03, $25, $12, $03, 010000)"
' readi2c 0, (b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7) reads back the data
let seconds = $00 ; 00-59 Note all BCD format
let minutes = $00     ; 00-59 Note all BCD format   
let hours = $01 ; 01-12 Note all BCD format
let day = $03     ; program does not use date, date, month, year
let date = $22      
let month = $03  
let year = $12      
let blinky = 000000 ; 010000 would Enable output at 1Hz blink rate.  000000 is no blink

writei2c 0,(seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, year, blinky)
pause 50 
'/\ /\ /\ /\ Un_REM THESE LINES (ABOVE) IF SETTING UP A NEW RTC  /\ /\ /\ /\

; POWER ON SELF TEST.  Send all three meters to FULL Scale and back to 0
'NOTE:  pwmduty hour_meter, w7  ---->> w7 ranges from 0 to 400 to move meter from 0VDC to 2VDC
for w7 = 400 to 0 step -1' pwmduty needs a (W)ord var, not a (B)yte var
pwmduty hour_meter, w7 'adjust PWM Duty from 100% to 0% 
pwmduty minute_meter, w7
pwmduty second_meter, w7
next w7


if temp_switch = 1 then
do ' while hour_set = 1 or minute_set = 1 then 'if main buttom and H or M set button pushed then
pwmduty hour_meter, 400 ' move all meters to full scale to allow trimmer adjust.  Do 0 meter adjust  1st with power off.
pwmduty minute_meter, 400
pwmduty second_meter, 400
loop while hour_set = 1 or minute_set = 1
end if ' temp_switch = 1

if temp_switch = 1 and hour_set = 0 and minute_set = 0 then
do 'while temp_switch is pressed
gosub DisplayTemp
loop while temp_switch = 1 and hour_set = 0 and minute_set = 0
end if

'read the RTC and display the time
readi2c 0, (seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, year, blinky)
pause 10
'\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ SECONDS SECONDS SECONDS \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
;Convert the Seconds from the RTC to Base10 and update the meter
if temp_switch = 0 and minute_set = 1 and hour_set = 1 then 'all pressed.  Seconds to $00
gosub Seconds_set
end if 

Ones_digi = seconds & 0x0F   ' zero out the top four bits

Tens_Digi = seconds & 0xF0   ' zero out the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' each divide by 2 shifts the 
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' bits LEFT.  Four shift get
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' them all to the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi * 10 'Now shift the Base10 value to Tens place

seconds = Tens_Digi + Ones_Digi 'complete. Now $ss is ss (in Base10)
' Update the seconds meter with a w9 value of 0 to 400
w7 =  seconds * 677 / 100  ; (400/59=6.77) scale 0-59 seconds to 0-400 for PWM
pwmduty second_meter, w7
'/\ /\ /\ /\ SECONDS END /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

'\/ \/ \/ \/ MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
if temp_switch = 0 and minute_set = 1 and hour_set = 0 then 'if temp_switch and M is pressed then add on minute
gosub Minutes_set
end if 
;Convert the Minutes from the RTC to Base10 and update the meter
Ones_digi = minutes & 0x0F   ' zero out the top four bits

Tens_digi = minutes & 0xF0   ' zero out the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' each divide by 2 shifts the 
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' bits LEFT.  Four shift get
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' them all to the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi * 10 'Now shift the Base10 value to Tens place

minutes = Tens_Digi + Ones_Digi 'complete. Now $mm is mm (in Base10)
'Update the minutes meter with a w9 value of 0 to 400
If minute_set = 0 then 'dont update if we are setting the minutes.  Should correct this in Minutes_set routine
w7 = minutes * 677 / 100 ; (400/59=6.77) scale 0-59 minutes to 0-400 for PWM
pwmduty minute_meter, w7
end if 
'/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ MINUTES END /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

'\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ HOURS HOURS HOURS \/ \/ \/ \/
if temp_switch = 0 and minute_set = 0 and hour_set = 1 then 'if temp_switch and M is pressed then add on minute
gosub Hours_set
end if 

;Convert the Hours from the RTC to Base10 and update the meter
Ones_digi = hours & 0x0F   ' zero out the top four bits

Tens_digi = hours & 0xF0   ' zero out the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' each divide by 2 shifts the 
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' bits LEFT.  Four shift get
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' them all to the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi * 10 'Now shift the Base10 value to Tens place

hours = Tens_Digi + Ones_Digi 'complete. Now $hh is hh (in Base10)

if hours > 12 then
hours = hours - 12
end if
if hours = 0 then 
hours = 12
end if

' Update the hours meter with a w9 value of 0 to 400
w7 = hours * 3636  ; (400/11 = 36.36)  scale 1 to 12 hours to 0-400 for PWM
w7 = w7 - 3636 'subtract  y interceot to start PCM at 0 to 1 o'clock.
w7 = w7 / 100 'scale 1 to 12 hours to 0-400 for PWM
pwmduty hour_meter, w7
'/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ HOURS END /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
goto main

readtemp temp_sensor, CthermoValue
w7 = CthermoValue * 677 / 100 '(400/59=6.77) scale C to 0-400 for PWM
pwmduty minute_meter, w7 'C (raw) in the minutes meter)

'Convert C to F
FthermoValue = 9 * CthermoValue / 5 + 32
w7 = FthermoValue * 364  ; (400/11 = 36.36)  scale 10 to 120F  to 0-400 for PWM
w7 = w7 - 3636 'subtract  y interceot to start PCM at 0 to 10F
w7 = w7 / 100 'scale 0-400 for PWM
pwmduty hour_meter, w7 '(F (x10) on the hours meter

'Convert C to K
KthermoValue = CthermoValue + 273
w7 = KthermoValue / 10
w7 = w7 * 677 / 100 
pwmduty second_meter, w7 'Kelvin *100 on the seconds meter

return 'DisplayTemp

seconds = $00
writei2c 0,(seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, year, blinky)
pause 50 
w7 =  seconds * 677 / 100  ; (400/59=6.77) scale 0-59 seconds to 0-400 for PWM
pwmduty second_meter, w7
return 'Seconds_set

readi2c 0, (seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, year, blinky)
;Convert the Minutes from the RTC to Base10 and update the meter
Ones_digi = minutes & 0x0F   ' zero out the top four bits
Tens_digi = minutes & 0xF0   ' zero out the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' each divide by 2 shifts the 
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' bits LEFT.  Four shift get
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' them all to the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi * 10 'Now shift the Base10 value to Tens place
minutes = Tens_Digi + Ones_Digi 'complete. Now $mm is mm (in Base10)
minutes = minutes + 1
if minutes > 59 then
minutes = 0
end if
'convert base10 minutes to BCD here then write new minute value to RTC
Ones_Digi = minutes // 10
Tens_Digi = minutes - Ones_Digi
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 10
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi * 2  ' shift the lower right bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi * 2  ' to the upper left.
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi * 2
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi * 2
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi OR Ones_Digi 'OR function on the two values to get 8 bit BDC
'Now Ten_digi = minutes in packed BCD.  Just using Tens_Digi as a temp var
writei2c 0,(seconds, Tens_Digi, hours, day, date, month, year, blinky)
pause 50 
'Update the minutes meter with a w9 value of 0 to 400
w7 = minutes * 677 / 100 ; (400/59=6.77) scale 0-59 minutes to 0-400 for PWM
pwmduty minute_meter, w7
pause 500
return ' Minutes_Set

readi2c 0, (seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, year, blinky)
;Convert the Hours from the RTC to Base10 and update the meter
Ones_digi = hours & 0x0F   ' zero out the top four bits
Tens_digi = hours & 0xF0   ' zero out the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' each divide by 2 shifts the 
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' bits LEFT.  Four shift get
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' them all to the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi * 10 'Now shift the Base10 value to Tens place
hours = Tens_Digi + Ones_Digi 'complete. Now $hh is hh (in Base10)
hours = hours + 1
if hours > 12 then
hours = hours - 12
end if
if hours = 0 then 
hours = 12
end if

if hours > 9 then
if hours = 10 then 
hours = $10
end if
if hours = 11 then
hours = $11
end if
if hours = 12 then
hours = $12
end if
end if
writei2c 0,(seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, year, blinky)
pause 50 
;Convert the Hours from the RTC to Base10 and update the meter
Ones_digi = hours & 0x0F   ' zero out the top four bits
Tens_digi = hours & 0xF0   ' zero out the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' each divide by 2 shifts the 
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' bits LEFT.  Four shift get
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2 ' them all to the lower four bits
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi / 2
Tens_Digi = Tens_Digi * 10 'Now shift the Base10 value to Tens place
hours = Tens_Digi + Ones_Digi 'complete. Now $hh is hh (in Base10)
' Update the hours meter with a w9 value of 0 to 400
w7 = hours * 3636  ; (400/11 = 36.36)  scale 1 to 12 hours to 0-400 for PWM
w7 = w7 - 3636 'subtract  y interceot to start PCM at 0 to 1 o'clock.
w7 = w7 / 100 'scale 1 to 12 hours to 0-400 for PWM
pwmduty hour_meter, w7
pause 1000

return ' Hours_Set
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Bu da bir tür mikrodenetleyici. Proteusta kütüphanesi mevcut.
"Makineye Beyin" MEKATRONİK


arduino'nun PIC versiyonu gibi bir şey. Aslında pic serisi bir mcu ama içinde bootloader var ve kendi basic derleyicisi ile kolay program yazmayı taahhüt ediyor. arduino uno yada mega gibi bir yaygın karta da sahip değil, donanımı kendiniz tasarlıyorsunuz galiba.
İlim ilim bilmektir, ilim kendin bilmektir, sen kendin bilmezsin, bu nice okumaktır.


Parallax firmasının ürettiği bir bord yada sadece işlemci seçeneği,bildiğimiz pic misal 16F88 yada 16F886 ,RS232'si olan bilgisayarlarda sadece iki direnç ile kolayca programlanabilen,program aleti falan gerektirmeyen, içinde üretici tarafından önceden loader gibi davranan Interpreter yani yorumlayıcı yüklenen bir işlemci,ticari versiyon plduğu için Proteus debug yapar iken program memory yada eepromunu görmenize izin vermez...


Yurtiçinde bulunmuyor galiba, araştırdım biraz.
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