ThreadX RTOS Ücretsiz !

Başlatan Erol YILMAZ, 12 Ekim 2020, 19:00:50


Microsoft, RTOS'lar içinde belirgin derecede kaliteli olarak bilinen ThreadX'i satın aldıktan sonra,
kaynak kodlarını Github'ta açmış. Ve her gün yeni bir ortama PORT ederek güncelliyor.

ThreadX için birkaç sene önceki teklifleri...
ThreadX RTOS'un Single Product : USD 12,500 : Tek bir çeşit ürün geliştirmenize izin veren lisans fiyatı
Product Family (PF): USD 62,500 : Belli bir architecture üzerinde aynı ürün ailesine ait birden fazla çeşit ürün geliştirmenize izin veren lisans.
Microprocessor: USD 150,000: Belli bir architecture üzerinde istediğiniz türde ürün geliştirmenize izin veren lisans.

ThreadX was first introduced in 1997. ThreadX 4 was introduced in 2001. ThreadX 5 was introduced in 2005, and is the latest version as of 2020.

FileX – the embedded file system for ThreadX was introduced in 1999.

NetX – the embedded TCP/IP networking stack for ThreadX was introduced in 2002.

USBX – the embedded USB support for ThreadX was introduced in 2004.

ThreadX SMP for SMP multi-core environments was introduced in 2009.

ThreadX Modules was introduced in 2011.

ThreadX achieved safety certifications for: TÜV IEC 61508 in 2013, and UL 60730 in 2014.

GUIX – the embedded UI for ThreadX was introduced in 2014.

Express Logic was purchased for an undisclosed sum by Microsoft on April 18, 2019.

ThreadX implements a priority-based, preemptive scheduling algorithm with a proprietary feature called preemption-threshold. The latter has been shown to provide greater granularity within critical sections, reduce context switches, and has been the subject of academic research on guaranteeing scheduling.


ST tarafında nasıl destek vereceklerini ayarlıyorlarmış :)

Alıntı yapılan: undefined [Genişlet]Pavel A. (Community Member) 5 months ago

Anything Microsoft? yell and run away. Unless,of course, they pay you nicely to do a project for them.
-- pa

Amel NASRI (ST Employee) 5 months ago

Hi @Asantos (Community Member) ,
We are currently working on this to build the plan for STM32 MCUs to support. Just stay tuned, we will keep you informed.
If farther details are required, I recommend you to be in touch with your FAE.

silva.juan (Community Member) 3 months ago

Any news on that subject?
It looks like both B-L475E-IOT01A and B-L4S5I-IOTOA1 Discovery kits are compatible with Azure RTOS.
How about other families and kits as Nucleo boards?

JNiem.3 (Community Member) 2 months ago

any news about Azure RTOS support for STM32 controllers?


Son yillarin modasi rtos satin almak sanirim. Amazon freertos'u almisti, Microsoft'ta threadx'i almis.

Zamaninda oturup rtos yazmak varmis.