UC3524 ile yapilmis boost converter

Başlatan aYe, 22 Nisan 2006, 01:28:57



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İçersinde şema'dan ziyade bir kaç önemli teorik bilgi var.

İyi çalışmalar.
Dünyada iki şey sonsuzdur. İnsanın aptallığı ve evren. Ancak ikincisinden o kadar emin değilim... (Einstein)


Power Supply Cookbook
Second Edition
Marty Brown

Ana başlıklar
1. The Role of the Power Supply within the System and the Design Program
2. An Introduction to the Linear Regulator
3. Pulsewidth Modulated Switching Power Supplies
4. Waveshaping Techniques to Improve Switching Power Supply
Appendix A. Thermal Analysis and Design
Appendix B. Feedback Loop Compensation
Appendix C. Power Factor Correction
Appendix D. Magnetism and Magnetic Components
Appendix E. Noise Control and Electromagnetic Interference
Appendix F. Miscellaneous Information

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