
Başlatan mech, 12 Nisan 2007, 00:17:49


pbp ile mmc uygulaması yapmak istiyorum. Yani en azından başlangıç için içine 8 bitlik veri kaydedip lcd de tekrar okutmak gibi. Ama çalışma prensiplerini anlatan bir datasheet bulamadım. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim. Teşekkürler...
Bilginin Efendisi Olmak İçin Çalışmanın Kölesi Olmak Şarttır


Telecommander Monster Of Network


mmc için örnek kod:
' Program: MMC3V.BAS written using PicBasicPro ver 2.40
' PicBasic Pro program to interface with a Sandisk
' MMC module using the SPI protocol.
'                    BETA CODE
' ************* NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE *************************
'               Ver. 0.1.31  Nov, 2001
' Proprietory Owner: COMPsys, Copyright 2001
' Project Reference: MMC3V-F876
' MCU: Microchip PIC16F876
' Software: Compiler PBP V.2.40, IDE MBLAB Ver 5
' PIC Programmer: EPIC used to load the bootloader, 
'                 Custom PCB with a serial interface
'                 for ISP and terminal output
' Initial Date: OCT 28, 2001
' Projected Completion Date: Unknown
' Author: Ranjit Diol
'         rsdiol@compsys1.com
'         http://www.compsys1.com/workbench
'                      (c) COMPSys, 2001
'                     All Rights Reserved
'   DISCLAIMER: This file is being released as non-commericial
'   freeware. It is being provided "AS IS", neither the author, 
'   nor COMPSys shall be held liable for any damages caused directly
'   or indirectly by its use. 
'Brief: The MMC is a 3volt part therefore all data lines
'       must be conditioned if interfacing with a 5v mcu.
'       MMC pins in SPI mode:
'            Pin1:ChipSelect(SS),Pin2:MMC input(MOSI),Pin3:GND,Pin4:3V+,
'            Pin5:Clock(SCK), Pin6:GND, Pin7:MMC output(MISO)
'       PIC pins:
'            Portd.7 SS,Portd.6 SCK,Portd.5 MOSI, Portd.4 MISO
'       For voltage translation:  
'       An LM317 or LM2937-3.3 can be used to provide 3.3 volts
'       for the MMC and four 2N3904 transistors with resistors
'       can be used forfor MMC power and data line conditioning
'       See the SanDisk website for more details
'                  http://www.sandisk.com
'                    I M P O R T A  N T
'                       PLEASE NOTES
' ************** This code is written for a PIC16F876 operating on 3.3volts **************
@ device pic16F876, xt_osc, wdt_on, pwrt_off, bod_off, lvp_off, cpd_off, wrt_off, protect_off
' ****************************************************************************************
' This application uses a external 3.3v FRAM FM24CL64 for temporary storage
' which does not require a wait state after a write and it does not have
' any limit on the number of lifetime writes!
' IF YOU USE a standard I2C EEprom you will have to insert a 5 or 10 ms pause
' after each write statement depending on the eeprom used.


DEFINE OSC 10			'Adjust to suit your design
ADCON1	= 7			'Adjust ADC for your needs


include "modedefs.bas"

'I2C Variables
ctl      con    $A0		'EEPROM control code
edata	 var	BYTE		'Data byte to be written

'***************** PIC PIN ASSIGNMENTS *****************

'I2C Eeprom Pins
scl	 var 	PORTC.3		'I2C SCL  for ext eeprom 
sda	 var	PORTC.4		'I2C SDA for ext eeprom

'Serial Pins
out_pin	 var	PORTC.6		'Serial OUT pin
in_pin	 var    PORTC.7		'Serial IN pin
ser_baud con	32		'19200 Baud

        TRISC.0 = 1                     'SO Set pin directions
	TRISC.1 = 0
	TRISC.2 = 0
	TRISC.5 = 0

'MMC Connections
SCK     var     PORTC.1                 ' Clock pin MMC pin 5
SO      var     PORTC.0                 ' Data from MMC pin 7
SS      var     PORTC.5                 ' Slave select pin 1
SI      var     PORTC.2                 ' Data to MMC pin 2

'***************** General MMC Variables used **************************

'Variables used (may be some that are no longer in use -- haven't cleaned up as yet!)

mmc_status   var     byte
mmc_status  =  $0000

addr    var     word
addr_H  var     word                    ' MMC Address is a 32 bit address, addr_h is bits 31-16
addr_L  var     word			' and addr_l is is bits 0-15
arg0    var     byte			' args used
arg1    var     byte
arg2    var     byte
arg3    var     byte
arg4    var     byte
cmd     var     byte			'command var
crc     var     byte			'crc var
dat     var     byte                    'data var
i	var     byte			'counter var
x       var     word			'counter var
y	var	byte			'counter var
res	var     byte			'response var
reswr   var     byte			'response w/r
res2    var     word			'response var

erase_flag var  byte
erase_flag = 0

eaddr1  var     word			'ext eeprom addr vars
eaddr2  var	word
e_addr  var     word

in_dat  var     byte                    'Serial vars
chk     var     byte
cntr    var     byte

addr      =      $0000			'Used for eeprom etc			

pause 500				'Let things settle a bit

'For debugging
serout2 out_pin,ser_baud,["Start",10,13] 'Display on terminal

' ***** Jump over the subroutines **************
goto main

'Initialize MMC
	SS = 1
	dat =$ff
        cntr = 10
        gosub shiftout_dat
	ss = 0 
 	pause 50
	cmd = $40					'MMC Command 0
	crc = $95

 	dat = cmd
        Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[dat]
	dat = 0
        cntr = 4
        gosub shiftout_dat
	dat = crc
        Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[dat]
        chk = 1
        gosub chk_res
	ss = 1
	pause 50
	ss = 0
'TO DO: Need to insert a 'time-out' after 255 attempts and branch to error routine
	while res <> 0
	ss = 1
	dat = $ff
        Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[dat]
        gosub shiftin_res
	ss = 0
	dat = $41					 'MMC Command 1
        Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[dat]
        'arg4 = $41
        'gosub shiftout1
	dat = 0
        cntr = 4
        gosub shiftout_dat

	dat = $ff
        gosub shiftout2
        gosub shiftin_res
	dat = $ff
       'MMC now successfully initialized in SPI mode
'For debugging
serout2 out_pin,ser_baud,["INIT OK!",10,13] 'Display on terminal

'MMC Writing subroutine write 512 bytes stored in the I2C eeprom
'This routine will write whatever is in I2C eeprom locations eaddr1 to eaddr2

'Check response
'TO DO: Need to insert a 'time-out' after 255 attempts and branch to error routine
	while res <> chk			
        Shiftin SO, SCK, MSBPRE, [res]		

	ss = 1
	arg4 = $ff
        gosub shiftout1
        gosub shiftin_res
	ss = 0
 	arg0 = $58
        arg1 = addr_H.BYTE1
        arg2 = addr_H.BYTE0
        arg3 = addr_L.BYTE1
        arg4 = addr_L.BYTE0
        gosub shiftout5
	arg4 = $ff
        gosub shiftout1
        gosub shiftin_res
        chk = 0
        gosub chk_res

'Write command was a success
	'File token tells the MMC data is to follow
	arg4 = $FE
        gosub shiftout1

'MMC now ready to write data in blocks of 512 bytes assumes eeprom address in eaddr1, eaddr2

	for addr = eaddr1 to eaddr2
		'READ addr,dat		'Read from internal eeprom if it has 512 byte capacity

        	I2CREAD sda,scl,ctl,addr,[dat]	'Read from I2C ext eeprom
		Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[dat]
	next addr

        cntr = 2
        gosub shiftout_dat
        gosub shiftin_res
	y=res & $0f
        gosub shiftin_res

'TO DO: Need to insert a 'time-out' after 255 attempts and branch to error routine
	while res = 0		'MMC is busy writing until response is not = 0
          Shiftin SO, SCK, MSBPRE, [res]
	gosub mstatus		'Get write status	

'MMC Reading routine, assumes addr_H and addr_L have the MMC 32 bit address
	ss = 1
	arg4 = $ff
        gosub shiftout1
        gosub shiftin_res
	ss = 0
	arg0 = $51
        arg1 = addr_H.BYTE1
        arg2 = addr_H.BYTE0
        arg3 = addr_L.BYTE1
        arg4 = addr_L.BYTE0
        gosub shiftout5
	arg4 = $ff
        gosub shiftout1
        gosub shiftin_res
	chk = 0
	gosub chk_res
	chk = $FE
	gosub chk_res

'Read cmd successful

'Read the MMC data and save in eeprom assumes eaddr1 and eaddr2 is given
    for e_addr = eaddr1 to eaddr2		'We will read 512 bytes can be any number
         Shiftin SO, SCK, MSBPRE, [dat]
        'We now have a byte do something with it!
         I2CWRITE sda,scl,ctl,e_addr,[dat]		'Write to eeprom from eaddr1 to eaddr2
    next e_addr

'Required after a MMCread
        gosub shiftin_res
        gosub shiftin_res

 	 gosub mstatus		'Get read status


'Set block length (must lie with sector boundaries minimum default is 512)
	cmd = $50
        crc = $ff
        gosub send_cmd

'MMC tag beginning and end of an earse block
'MMC tag block
	cmd = $60
        gosub send_cmd

	cmd = $61
        gosub send_cmd

'MMC erase tagged block

'For debugging
'ERASE BLOCK at addr_h,addr_L
	erase_flag = 1
	cmd = $66
        gosub send_cmd
	erase_flag = 0     


'Send a command to the mmc assumes CMD, addr_H and addr_L
        ss = 1
	arg4 = $ff
        gosub shiftout1
        gosub shiftin_res
        ss = 0
        arg0  = cmd
        arg1 = addr_H.BYTE1
        arg2 = addr_H.BYTE0
        arg3 = addr_L.BYTE1
        arg4 = addr_L.BYTE0
        gosub shiftout5
	Dat = $FF
        cntr = 2
        gosub shiftout_dat
        gosub shiftin_res
	if erase_flag = 1 then return
	chk = 0
	gosub chk_res

'MMC status
	ss = 1
	dat = $ff
        Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[dat]
        gosub shiftin_res

	ss = 0
	arg4 = $4D
        gosub shiftout1
	dat = 0
        cntr = 4
        gosub shiftout_dat
	arg4 = $ff
        gosub shiftout1
        Shiftin SO, SCK, MSBPRE, [res2\16]
        mmc_status = res2

'Shift out the same data. Assumes DAT and cntr
            for y = 1 to cntr
        	Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[dat]
            next y

'Shift out 5 (ARG0-ARG4)
        Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[arg0]
        Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[arg1]
        Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[arg2]
        Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[arg3]
        Shiftout SI, SCK, MSBFIRST,[arg4]

'Shiftin RES
         Shiftin SO, SCK, MSBPRE, [res]

'====================== END OF MMC GENERAL ROUTINES =========================

'Subroutine used by this application
serout2 out_pin,ser_baud,["Data from MMC",10,13] 'Display on terminal
'Display data to terminal, assumes eaddr1,eaddr2 are given
	for e_addr = eaddr1 to eaddr2
           I2CREAD sda,scl,ctl,e_addr,[dat]
           serout2 out_pin,ser_baud,[dat]   'Display on terminal
        next e_addr

'*************** M A I N   P R O G R A M ****************

'Initialize the MMC
	gosub init_mmc

'Set block length (minimum 512 bytes when writing) default is 512 bytes
	addr_H = $0000
	addr_L = $0200
	gosub mset_blk

'Set an I2C eeprom address (512 bytes)
	eaddr1 = 0
	eaddr2 = $01FF

'Load the eeprom with some data to simulate this we
'write 512 bytes to the eeprom
	Dat = "A"
	for e_addr = eaddr1 to eaddr2
           I2CWRITE sda,scl,ctl,e_addr,[dat]
        next e_addr

'Set some MMC address 0 - to the end. (However, it must remain within sector boundaries)
'Since we are reading/writing 512 bytes at a time just make sure that the address is a integer
'multiple of 512 bytes. Such as: 0, $0200,$0400...$0A00...$00010A00 etc

	addr_H = $0001
	addr_L = $0000  'Multiple of 512 bytes

'Now transfer the data from the eeprom to the MMC
	gosub mwrite

'For debugging
serout2 out_pin,ser_baud,["Data Written to MMC",10,13] 'Display on terminal

'Next, we read the data back from the MMC and load it into the eeprom
'using the same addresses as above
	gosub mread

'Now, read it back from the eeprom and display it
gosub disp

'If you want to erase the data you need to set the start and end addresses
'But, they must not cross block boundaries

'*** Note*****
'If the program hangs at the erase command
'Sandisk documentation states that the erase command in SPI mode can
'sometimes not work correctly. Depends on the version of the card.
'However,it works fine on the Viking MMC's

'For debuggin
serout2 out_pin,ser_baud,[10,13,"Erasing...",10,13] 'Finished!
'Set the start erase TAG
gosub tag_start

'Set the end erase TAG
addr_H = $0001
addr_L = $01FF
gosub tag_end

'Issue the erase command
gosub merase	

'Verify it by reading the MMC again
addr_L = $0000
gosub mread

'And finally display the results
'Display data to terminal, assumes eaddr1,eaddr2 are given

serout2 out_pin,ser_baud,["Data from MMC after erase",10,13] 'Display on terminal

	for e_addr = eaddr1 to eaddr2
           I2CREAD sda,scl,ctl,e_addr,[dat]
           serout2 out_pin,ser_baud,[hex2 dat]   'Display on terminal
        next e_addr

'For debugging
serout2 out_pin,ser_baud,[10,13,"All Done!",10,13] 'Finished!
'******************* END OF CODE ************************
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