lcd frekansmetre

Başlatan necati, 18 Mayıs 2007, 22:52:52


#include <16f628.H>
#use   delay(clock=4000000)//frq in pin b6
#BYTE     PORT_A=0X05
#BYTE     PORT_B=0X06
#define LCD_RS      PIN_b0
#define LCD_EN      PIN_b1
#define LCD_D4      PIN_b2
#define LCD_D5      PIN_b3
#define LCD_D6      PIN_b4
#define LCD_D7      PIN_b5
#define FIRST_LINE  0x00
#define SECOND_LINE 0x40
#define CLEAR_DISP  0x01
#define CURS_ON     0x0e
#define CURS_OFF    0x0c
#use standard_io ( a )
#use standard_io ( b )
// proto statements
void LCD_Init        ( void );
void LCD_SetPosition ( unsigned int cX );
void LCD_PutChar     ( unsigned int cX );
void LCD_PutCmd      ( unsigned int cX );
void LCD_PulseEnable ( void );
void LCD_SetData     ( unsigned int cX );
int32 ab=0,hz=0;
int1 stept_say=0,data_bitti=0,step,aa=0;
int16 sayi=0,tr=20;
set_timer0(61);//(255-60)*195*20=1000000us=dahili 1sn icin
if(tr){ tr--;}
else{delay_us ( 698 );
     disable_interrupts (global);
  void main() {

     setup_timer_0 (RTCC_INTERNAL|RTCC_DIV_256);
     enable_interrupts(int_timer0); // timer0

     printf(lcd_putchar,"\NECATi KIYLIOGLU ");
     printf(lcd_putchar,"\ 0532 613 65 87");
     delay_ms (500);
     LCD_PutCmd ( CLEAR_DISP );
     //LCD_PutCmd ( CLEAR_DISP );
     printf(lcd_putchar,"\FREQUENCYMETER     ");

     printf(lcd_putchar,"\FRQ=%ldHz          ",hz);}
     printf(lcd_putchar,"\FRQ=%3.3wKhz         ",hz);}}
     printf(lcd_putchar,"\FRQ=%2.6wMhz          ",hz);}
     delay_ms (1);

     enable_interrupts (global);
/******/ //lcd basla
void LCD_Init ( void ){
   LCD_SetData ( 0x00 );
   output_low ( LCD_RS );
   LCD_SetData ( 0x03 );   // init with specific nibbles to start 4-bit mode
   LCD_SetData ( 0x02 );   // set 4-bit interface
   LCD_PulseEnable();      // send dual nibbles hereafter, MSN first
   LCD_PutCmd ( 0x2C );    // function set (all lines, 5x7 characters)
   LCD_PutCmd ( 0x0C );    // display ON, cursor off, no blink
   LCD_PutCmd ( 0x01 );    // clear display
   LCD_PutCmd ( 0x06 );    // entry mode set, increment
void LCD_SetPosition ( unsigned int cX )
   // this subroutine works specifically for 4-bit Port A
   LCD_SetData ( swap ( cX ) | 0x08 );
   LCD_SetData ( swap ( cX ) );
void LCD_PutChar ( unsigned int cX )
   // this subroutine works specifically for 4-bit Port A
   output_high ( LCD_RS );
   LCD_SetData ( swap ( cX ) );     // send high nibble
   LCD_SetData ( swap ( cX ) );     // send low nibble
   output_low ( LCD_RS );
void LCD_PutCmd ( unsigned int cX )
   // this subroutine works specifically for 4-bit Port A
   LCD_SetData ( swap ( cX ) );     // send high nibble
   LCD_SetData ( swap ( cX ) );     // send low nibble
void LCD_PulseEnable ( void )
   output_high ( LCD_EN );
   delay_us ( 100 );
   output_low ( LCD_EN );
   delay_ms ( 5 );
void LCD_SetData ( unsigned int cX )
   output_bit ( LCD_D4, cX & 0x01 );
   output_bit ( LCD_D5, cX & 0x02 );
   output_bit ( LCD_D6, cX & 0x04 );
   output_bit ( LCD_D7, cX & 0x08 );
/******/ //lcd son