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Proton+ komutları...

Başlatan Veli B., 19 Aralık 2004, 21:46:53

Veli B.

Alıntı Yaphttp://www.picbasic.org/forum

ADIN Read on-chip analogue to digital converter. 
ASM-ENDASM Insert assembly language code section.
BOX Draw a square on a graphic LCD.
BRANCH Computed GOTO (equiv. to ON..GOTO). 
BRANCHL BRANCH out of page (long BRANCH). 
BREAK Exit a FOR-NEXT, REPEAT-UNTIL, or WHILE-WEND loop prematurely.
BSTART Send a START condition to the I2C bus.

BSTOP Send a STOP condition to the I2C bus.
BRESTART Send a RESTART condition to the I2C bus.
BUSACK Send an ACKNOWLEDGE condition to the I2C bus.
BUSIN Read bytes from I2C device. 
BUSOUT Write bytes to I2C device. 
BUTTON Detect and debounce a key press.
CALL Call assembly language subroutine. 
CDATA Define initial contents in memory. 

CIRCLE Draw a circle on a graphic LCD.
CLEAR Place a variable or bit in a low state, or clear all RAM area.
CLEARBIT Clear a bit of a port or variable, using a variable index.
CLS Clear the LCD. 
CONFIG Set or Reset programming fuse configurations. 
COUNTER Count number of pulses on a pin. 
CREAD Read word from code memory. 

CURSOR Position the cursor on the LCD. 
CWRITE Write word to code memory. 
DATA Define initial contents in memory. 
DEC Decrement a variable.
DECLARE Adjust library routine parameters. 
DELAYMS Delay (1mSec resolution). 
DELAYUS Delay (1uSec resolution). 
DEVICE Choose the type of PICmicro to compile with. 

DIG Return the value of a decimal digit. 
DIM Create a variable. 
DISABLE DISABLE software interrupts that were previously ENABLED.
DTMFOUT Produce a DTMF Touch Tone note.
EDATA Define initial contents of on-chip EEPROM. 
ENABLE ENABLE software interrupts that were previously DISABLED.
END Stop execution. 

EREAD Read a value from on-chip EEPROM. 
EWRITE Write a value to on-chip EEPROM. 
FOR…TO…NEXT…STEP Repeatedly execute statements. 
FREQOUT Generate one or two tones, of differing or the same frequencies. 
GETBIT Examine a bit of a port or variable, using a variable index.
GOSUB Call BASIC subroutine at specified label. 

GOTO Continue execution at specified label. 
HBSTART Send a START condition to the I2C bus using the MSSP module.
HBSTOP Send a STOP condition to the I2C bus using the MSSP module.
HBRESTART Send a RESTART condition to the I2C bus using the MSSP module.
HBUSACK Send an ACKNOWLEDGE condition to the I2C bus using the MSSP module.
HBUSIN Read from an I2C device using the MSSP module. 
HBUSOUT Write to an I2C device using the MSSP module. 
HIGH Make pin or port high.

HPWM Generate a PWM signal using the CCP module. 
HRSIN Receive data from the serial port on devices that contain a USART.
HRSOUT Transmit data from the serial port on devices that contain a USART.
HSERIN Receive data from the serial port on devices that contain a USART.
HSEROUT Transmit data from the serial port on devices that contain a USART.
HRSIN2 Same as HRSIN but using a 2nd USART if available.
HRSOUT2 Same as HRSOUT but using a 2nd USART if available.
HSERIN2 Same as HSERIN but using a 2nd USART if available.
HSEROUT2 Same as HSEROUT but using a 2nd USART if available.
IF..THEN..ELSEIF..ELSE..ENDIF Conditionally execute statements. 
INC Increment a variable.

INCLUDE Load a BASIC file into the source code. 
INKEY Scan a keypad. 
INPUT Make pin an input. 
[LET] Assign result of an expression to a variable. 
LCDREAD Read a single byte from a Graphic LCD. 
LCDWRITE Write bytes to a Graphic LCD.
LDATA Place information into code memory. For access by LREAD.

LINE Draw a line in any direction on a graphic LCD. 
LINETO Draw a straight line in any direction on a graphic LCD, starting from the previous LINE command's end position.
LOADBIT Set or Clear a bit of a port or variable, using a variable index.
LOOKDOWN Search constant table for value. 
LOOKDOWNL Search constant / variable table for value. 
LOOKUP Fetch constant value from table. 

LOOKUPL Fetch constant / variable value from table. 
LOW Make pin or port low. 
LREAD Read a value from an LDATA table and place into Variable.
ON INTERRUPT Execute a BASIC or ASSEMBLER subroutine using a SOFTWARE interrupt. 
ON_INTERRUPT Execute an ASSEMBLER subroutine on a HARWARE interrupt.
ON_LOW_INTERRUPT Execute an ASSEMBLER subroutine when a LOW PRIORITY HARDWARE interrupt occurs on a 16-bit core device. 

OUTPUT Make pin an output. 
OREAD Receive data from a device using the Dallas 1-wire protocol.
OWRITE Send data to a device using the Dallas 1-wire protocol.
ORG Set Program Origin. 
PEEK Read byte from register.
PIXEL Read a single pixel from a Graphic LCD. 
PLOT Set a single pixel on a Graphic LCD. 

POKE Write byte to register. 
POT Read potentiometer on specified pin. 
PRINT Display characters on LCD. 
PULSIN Measure pulse width on a pin. 
PULSOUT Generate pulse to a pin. 
PWM Output pulse width modulated pulse train to pin. 
RANDOM Generate a pseudo-random number. 
RCIN Measure pulse width on a pin. 

READ Read a value from memory. 
REM Add a remark to the source code. 
REPEAT...UNTIL Execute a block of instructions until a condition is true.
RESTORE Adjust the position of data to READ. 
RESUME Re-enable software interrupts and return.
RETURN Continue at statement following last GOSUB. 
RSIN Asynchronous serial input from fixed pin and baud. 

RSOUT Asynchronous serial output to fixed pin and baud.
SEED Seed the random number generator, in order to obtain a more random result.
SELECT..CASE..ENDSELECT Conditionally run blocks of code. 
SERIN Receive asynchronous serial data (i.e. RS232 data).
SEROUT Transmit asynchronous serial data (i.e. RS232 data).
SERVO Control a servo motor. 
SET Place a variable or bit in a high state.

SET_OSCCAL Calibrate the on-chip oscillator. 
SETBIT Set a bit of a port or variable, using a variable index.
SHIN Synchronous serial input. 
SHOUT Synchronous serial output. 
SLEEP Power down processor for a period of time. 
SNOOZE Power down processor for short period of time. 
SOUND Generate tone or white-noise on specified pin.

SOUND2 Generate 2 tones from 2 separate pins. 
STOP Stop program execution.
STR Load a Byte array with values.
STRN Create a NULL terminated Byte array.
STR$ Convert the contents of a variable to a NULL terminated String. 
SWAP Exchange the values of two variables. 
SYMBOL Create an alias to a constant, port, pin, or register.

TOGGLE Reverse the state of a port's bit. 
UNPLOT Clear a single pixel on a Graphic LCD.
USBINIT Initialise the USB interrupt on devices that contain a USB module.
USBIN Receive data via a USB endpoint on devices that contain a USB module.
USBOUT Transmit data via a USB endpoint on devices that contain a USB module.
VAL Convert a NULL terminated String to an integer value.

VARPTR Locate the address of a variable.
WHILE…WEND Execute statements while condition is true.
XIN Receive data using the X10 protocol.
XOUT Transmit data using the X10 protocol.