STM32L4xx Cortex M4 - Ultra Low Power

Başlatan MrDarK, 02 Nisan 2015, 10:12:44


Ti'deki hareketlilikten sonra STM'den bir karşılık daha var. Bakalım fiyatları ne aralıkta olacak iki firmanın :)

Bu arada özellikleri paylaşayım;

ST has built a new architecture to reach best-in-class ultra-low-power figures thanks to its high flexibility. STM32L4 MCUs have scored 123 (world record) in the standardized EEMBC™ ULPBench® tests that compare the efficiency of ultra-low-power microcontrollers. Moreover, the STM32L4 series shatters performance limits in the ultra-low-power world. It delivers 100 DMIPS based on its ARM® Cortex®-M4 core with FPU and ST ART Accelerator™ at 80 MHz.

STM32L4 microcontrollers offer dynamic voltage scaling to balance power consumption with processing demand, low-power peripherals (LP UART, LP timers) available in Stop mode, safety and security features, smart and numerous peripherals, advanced and low-power analog peripherals such as op amps, comparators, LCD, 12-bit DACs and 16-bit ADCs (hardware oversampling).

The series is available in 2 different lines: STM32L476 (USB, LCD) and STM32L486 (USB, LCD, AES).

To simplify migration and give you all the flexibility you need, the STM32L4 is pin-to-pin compatible with the different STM32 series and opens the door to the full STM32 ecosystem.

Ultra-low-power mode: 30 nA with backup registers without real-time clock (5 wakeup pins)
Ultra-low-power mode + RTC: 330 nA with backup registers (5 wakeup pins)
Ultra-low-power mode + 32 Kbytes of RAM: 360 nA
Ultra-low-power mode + 32 Kbytes of RAM + RTC: 660 nA
Dynamic run mode: down to 100 μA/MHz
Wake-up time: 5 μs

Özellikler ve tanıtım datasheet :

Bir Başka Kaynak :

Son olarakta video
STM32L4 ultra-low-power microcontroller at embedded world
Picproje Eğitim Gönüllüleri ~ MrDarK


Dün başlığını açmıştım. Aynı çekirdek olmasa da ATMEL de ARM Cortex M0 tabanlı düşük güç tüketimli yeni ürünler çıkarmış.

Alıntı YapThe Atmel® | SMART SAM L21 family of microcontrollers (MCUs) delivers power consumption down to 35 µA/MHz in active mode and 200nA in Sleep mode. In addition to ultra-low-power performance, these new devices feature Full Speed USB host and device, Event System and Sleepwalking, 12-bit analog, AES, capacitive touch sensing, built in opAmps and much more. With the Internet of Things (IoT) market predicted to grow to billion devices by 2020, designers increasingly need lower-power MCUs that will enable these applications—without adding load to utility grids or requiring frequent battery changes. The new ultra-low-power Atmel® | SMART platform is specifically designed to power these applications, expanding battery life from years to decades. The preliminary datasheet is available for download now.

* ARM Cortex-M0+ based MCU running up to 48MHz
* Up to 256KB embedded Flash and 40KB SRAM
* Low power consumption at <35µA/MHz
* DMA, Sleepwalking and Event system
* Up to 6 flexible serial communication modules (SERCOM)
* Up to 8 timers/counters
* Full-Speed USB Device and embedded Host
* 12-bit ADC (SAM L21J: 20 channels; SAM L21G: 14 channels; SAM L21E: 10 channels); 12-bit 2ch DAC
* 3 opAmps, 2 analog comparators and programmable logic block
* Hardware touch support
* QFP and QFN package options (SAM L21J: 64 pins; SAM L21G: 48 pins; SAM L21E: 32 pins) - Kişisel karalamalarım...


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