Profinet ve pic/atmega/stm haberleşmesi

Başlatan gokhangokcen, 06 Temmuz 2021, 10:46:44


Merhabalar, şu aralar Siemens plc ile x bir işlemci ile haberleşme yapmaya çalışıyorum. Elimde CPU1510 serisi plc var. Denemelerimi yaptım. Elimin altında hazır kurulu donanım olmadığı için ilk etapta arduino ve ethernet shieldi ile denemeler yapıyorum. Herkesin bildiği gibi internetteki hazır kod olan sitesindeki kodları yükledim. Fakat buradaki sorunum şu;
Kodlar ya PLC'deki DB bloklarına yazıyor ya da DB bloklarından okuyor. PLC ile arduino üzerindeki verileri çekemiyorum. Arduino kartını slave gibi kullanamıyorum. Bu konuda fikri olan ya da izlenmesi gereken bir yol var mıdır? Kodlarım aşağıdaki gibi;

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include "Settimino.h"

//#define DO_IT_SMALL

byte mac[] = {0x25, 0x63, 0x36, 0x8E, 0x76, 0xE3};

IPAddress Local(10, 10, 1, 69);
IPAddress PLC(10, 10, 1, 70);
IPAddress Gateway(10, 10, 1, 1);
IPAddress Subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);

int DBNum = 1;
int Buffer[1024];
int16_t Data[1024];
int abc;

typedef union
  uint8_t l2int[2];
  uint16_t veri;

S7Client Client;

unsigned long Elapsed;

void setup() {
#define sdcs          4
#define ethcs         10

  pinMode(ethcs, OUTPUT);                                                                     //WIZ5100 cs pini çıkış olarak atanır
  pinMode(sdcs, OUTPUT);                                                                      //SD kart cs pini çıkış olarak atanır

  digitalWrite(sdcs, HIGH);                                                                   //SD kart pini pasif yapılır
  digitalWrite(ethcs, LOW);
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  while (!Serial) {


  Ethernet.begin(mac, Local);

  Serial.println("Cable connected");
  Serial.println("Local IP address : ");


bool Connect()
  int Result = Client.ConnectTo(PLC,
                                0,  //Rack
                                1); //Slot

  Serial.print("Connecting to ");
  if (Result == 0)
    Serial.print("Connection ! PDU Length = ");
    Serial.println("Connection error");
  return Result;

void CheckError(int ErrNo)
  Serial.print("Error No. 0x");
  Serial.println(ErrNo, HEX);

  if (ErrNo & 0x00FF)
    Serial.println("Server Error, disconnectiong.");

void MarkTime() {
  Elapsed = millis();

void ShowTime() {
  Elapsed = millis() - Elapsed;
  Serial.print("Job time (ms) :");

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  int Size, Result, Status;

  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    String okunan = Serial.readString();
    abc = okunan.toInt();

  while (!Client.Connected) {
    if (!Connect())delay(500);
  /* Result = Client.GetPlcStatus(&Status);
    if (Result==0)
    if (Status==S7CpuStatusRun)
     Serial.println("Running THE CPU");
     Serial.println("Stopping THE CPU");

  //SetDIntAt(void *Buffer, int index, dint value)

  S7.SetIntAt(&Buffer, 0, abc);

  Serial.print("PDU Data0");

 // Buffer[0] = abc;

  //Client.WriteArea(S7AreaDB, 1, 0, 2, &Buffer);
  Serial.print("Buffer[0]: ");
  Serial.println(Buffer[0] , DEC);
//  ReadArea(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t Start, uint16_t Amount, void *ptrData);
   Serial.print("Data0: ");
   Serial.println(Data[0] ,DEC);
   Serial.print("Data1: ");
   Serial.println(Data[1], DEC);*/


|  PROJECT SETTIMINO                                                     2.0.0 |
|  Copyright (C) 2013, 2019 Davide Nardella                                    |
|  All rights reserved.                                                        |
|  SETTIMINO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify           |
|  it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by |
|  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           |
|  (at your option) any later version.                                         |
|                                                                              |
|  It means that you can distribute your commercial software linked with       |
|  SETTIMINO without the requirement to distribute the source code of your     |
|  application and without the requirement that your application be itself     |
|  distributed under LGPL.                                                     |
|                                                                              |
|  SETTIMINO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
|  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
|  Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.                         |
|                                                                              |
|  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a     |
|  copy of Lesser GNU General Public License along with Snap7.                 |
|  If not, see                                   |
|                                                                              |
|  1.1.0 Added support for ESP8266 (Thanks to Geoffrey Hayward Piggot)         |
|  2.0.0 Added new hardware support                                            |
|        Added Read/Write consistent bit into the CPU                          |
|        Added new 18 helper functions                                         |
|        Small bugfixes (Thanks to Daniel Förstmann and Schöneberg Swen)       |
|                                                                              |
#ifndef PLATFORM_H
#define PLATFORM_H

//  Chose your platform and uncomment the related define
//  *ONLY* one line must be uncommented
//      Arduino UNO R3 + Ethernet Shield R3 or Ethernet Shield 2
//      Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 + Ethernet Shield R3 or Ethernet Shield 2
//  ESP8266_FAMILY (WiFi)
//      NodeMCU
//      Wemos
//      Lolin V3
//      (Other 7 modules based onto ESP8266 chip)
//  ESP32_WIFI
//      ESP32-WROOM-32 / 32D
//      ESP32 DevModule
//  M5STACK_WIFI (only core)
//      Basic, Gray, Red
//      Core + LAN MODULE (W5500)
//  Notes of external libraries needed.
//  If you already use that boards, you should have already installed
//  ESP8266_FAMILY
//  ESP32
//  M5STACK (*)
//  (*) Need also to install Ethernet2 library to use the LAN MODULE.
//      Use the Arduino IDE Library Manager. 

#define ARDUINO_LAN    
//#define ESP8266_FAMILY  
//#define ESP32_WIFI
//#define M5STACK_WIFI
//#define M5STACK_LAN

#include <SPI.h>

// Platforms 

  #include <Ethernet.h>
  #define S7WIRED

#ifdef ESP8266_FAMILY
  #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> 
  #include <Ethernet.h>
  #define S7WIFI

#ifdef ESP32_WIFI
  #include <Ethernet.h>
  #include <WiFi.h>
  #define S7WIFI

  #include <M5Stack.h>
  #include <Ethernet.h>
  #include <WiFi.h>
  #define S7WIFI

#ifdef M5STACK_LAN
  #include <M5Stack.h>
  #include <Ethernet2.h>
  #define S7WIRED

#ifdef S7WIRED
  #include "EthernetClient.h"  
  #include "WiFiClient.h"

#endif //PLATFORM_H

|  PROJECT SETTIMINO                                                     2.0.0 |
|  Copyright (C) 2013, 2019 Davide Nardella                                    |
|  All rights reserved.                                                        |
|  SETTIMINO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify           |
|  it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by |
|  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           |
|  (at your option) any later version.                                         |
|                                                                              |
|  It means that you can distribute your commercial software linked with       |
|  SETTIMINO without the requirement to distribute the source code of your     |
|  application and without the requirement that your application be itself     |
|  distributed under LGPL.                                                     |
|                                                                              |
|  SETTIMINO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
|  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
|  Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.                         |
|                                                                              |
|  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a     |
|  copy of Lesser GNU General Public License along with Snap7.                 |
|  If not, see                                   |
|                                                                              |
|  1.1.0 Added support for ESP8266 (Thanks to Geoffrey Hayward Piggot)         |
|  2.0.0 Added new hardware support                                            |
|        Added Read/Write consistent bit into the CPU                          |
|        Added new 18 helper functions                                         |
|        Small bugfixes (Thanks to Daniel Förstmann and Schöneberg Swen)       |
|                                                                              |
#include "Settimino.h"

// For further informations about structures (the byte arrays and they meanins)
// see project.

	Arduino has not a multithread environment and all Client functions are 
	fully synchronous, so to save memory we can define telegrams and I/O
	data areas as globals, since only one client at time will use them.

// ISO Connection Request telegram (contains also ISO Header and COTP Header)
	byte ISO_CR[] = {
		// TPKT (RFC1006 Header)
		0x03, // RFC 1006 ID (3) 
		0x00, // Reserved, always 0
		0x00, // High part of packet lenght (entire frame, payload and TPDU included)
		0x16, // Low part of packet lenght (entire frame, payload and TPDU included)
		// COTP (ISO 8073 Header)
		0x11, // PDU Size Length
		0xE0, // CR - Connection Request ID
		0x00, // Dst Reference HI
		0x00, // Dst Reference LO
        0x00, // Src Reference HI
		0x01, // Src Reference LO
		0x00, // Class + Options Flags
		0xC0, // PDU Max Length ID
		0x01, // PDU Max Length HI
		0x0A, // PDU Max Length LO
		0xC1, // Src TSAP Identifier
		0x02, // Src TSAP Length (2 bytes)
        0x01, // Src TSAP HI (will be overwritten by ISOConnect())
		0x00, // Src TSAP LO (will be overwritten by ISOConnect())
		0xC2, // Dst TSAP Identifier
		0x02, // Dst TSAP Length (2 bytes)
		0x01, // Dst TSAP HI (will be overwritten by ISOConnect())
		0x02  // Dst TSAP LO (will be overwritten by ISOConnect())

// S7 PDU Negotiation Telegram (contains also ISO Header and COTP Header)
	byte S7_PN[] = {
		0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x19, 0x02, 0xf0, 0x80, // TPKT + COTP (see above for info)
		0x32, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 
		0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 
		0x00, 0xf0 // PDU Length Requested = HI-LO 240 bytes

// S7 Read/Write Request Header (contains also ISO Header and COTP Header)
	byte S7_RW[] = { // 31-35 bytes
		0x03, 0x00, 
		0x00, 0x1f, // Telegram Length (Data Size + 31 or 35)
		0x02, 0xf0, 0x80, // COTP (see above for info)
		0x32,       // S7 Protocol ID 
		0x01,       // Job Type
		0x00, 0x00, // Redundancy identification
		0x05, 0x00, // PDU Reference
		0x00, 0x0e, // Parameters Length
		0x00, 0x00, // Data Length = Size(bytes) + 4      
		0x04,       // Function 4 Read Var, 5 Write Var  
		0x01,       // Items count
		0x12,       // Var spec.
		0x0a,       // Length of remaining bytes
		0x10,       // Syntax ID 
		S7WLByte,   // Transport Size (default, could be changed)                       
		0x00,0x00,  // Num Elements                          
		0x00,0x00,  // DB Number (if any, else 0)            
		0x84,       // Area Type                            
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Area Offset                     
		// WR area
		0x00,       // Reserved 
		0x04,       // Transport size
		0x00, 0x00, // Data Length * 8 (if not timer or counter) 

#ifdef _EXTENDED

// S7 Get Block Info Request Header (contains also ISO Header and COTP Header)
	byte S7_BI[] = {
		0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x02, 0xf0, 0x80, 0x32, 
		0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 
		0x0c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x12, 0x04, 0x11, 0x43, 0x03, 
		0x00, 0xff, 0x09, 0x00, 0x08, 0x30, 0x41, 
		0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, // ASCII DB Number

// S7 Put PLC in STOP state Request Header (contains also ISO Header and COTP Header)
	byte S7_STOP[] = {
		0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x21, 0x02, 0xf0, 0x80, 0x32, 
		0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 
		0x00, 0x29, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 
		0x50, 0x5f, 0x50, 0x52, 0x4f, 0x47, 0x52, 0x41, 

// S7 Put PLC in RUN state Request Header (contains also ISO Header and COTP Header)
	byte S7_START[] = {
		0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x02, 0xf0, 0x80, 0x32, 
		0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 
		0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
		0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x50, 0x5f, 0x50, 0x52, 
		0x4f, 0x47, 0x52, 0x41, 0x4d 

// S7 Get PLC Status Request Header (contains also ISO Header and COTP Header)
	byte S7_PLCGETS[] = {
		0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x21, 0x02, 0xf0, 0x80, 0x32, 
		0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 
		0x08, 0x00, 0x01, 0x12, 0x04, 0x11, 0x44, 0x01, 
		0x00, 0xff, 0x09, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x24, 0x00, 

#endif // _EXTENDED


#ifdef _S7HELPER

	S7Helper S7;
bool S7Helper::BitAt(void *Buffer, int ByteIndex, byte BitIndex)
	byte mask[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80};
	pbyte Pointer = pbyte(Buffer) + ByteIndex;
	if (BitIndex>7)
		return false;
		return (*Pointer & mask[BitIndex]);
bool S7Helper::BitAt(int ByteIndex, int BitIndex)
	return BitAt(&PDU.DATA[0], ByteIndex, BitIndex);
byte S7Helper::ByteAt(void *Buffer, int index)
	pbyte Pointer = pbyte(Buffer) + index;
	return *Pointer;
byte S7Helper::ByteAt(int index)
	return ByteAt(&PDU.DATA, index);
word S7Helper::WordAt(void *Buffer, int index)
	word hi=(*(pbyte(Buffer) + index))<<8;
	return hi+*(pbyte(Buffer) + index+1);
word S7Helper::WordAt(int index)
	return WordAt(&PDU.DATA, index);
dword S7Helper::DWordAt(void *Buffer, int index)
	pbyte pb;
	dword dw1;

	pb=pbyte(Buffer) + index;
	pb=pbyte(Buffer) + index + 1;
	pb=pbyte(Buffer) + index + 2;
	pb=pbyte(Buffer) + index + 3;
	return dw1;
dword S7Helper::DWordAt(int index)
	return DWordAt(&PDU.DATA, index);
float S7Helper::FloatAt(void *Buffer, int index)
	dword dw = DWordAt(Buffer, index);
	return *(pfloat(&dw));
float S7Helper::FloatAt(int index)
	return FloatAt(&PDU.DATA, index);
integer S7Helper::IntegerAt(void *Buffer, int index)
	word w = WordAt(Buffer, index);
	return *(pinteger(&w));
integer S7Helper::IntegerAt(int index)
	return IntegerAt(&PDU.DATA, index);
long S7Helper::DintAt(void *Buffer, int index)
	dword dw = DWordAt(Buffer, index);
	return *(pdint(&dw));
long S7Helper::DintAt(int index)
	return DintAt(&PDU.DATA, index);
void S7Helper::SetBitAt(void *Buffer, int ByteIndex, int BitIndex, bool Value)
	byte Mask[] = {0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80};
	pbyte Pointer = pbyte(Buffer) + ByteIndex;
	if (BitIndex < 0) BitIndex = 0;
	if (BitIndex > 7) BitIndex = 7;

	if (Value)
		*Pointer=*Pointer | Mask[BitIndex];
		*Pointer=*Pointer & ~Mask[BitIndex];
void S7Helper::SetBitAt(int ByteIndex, int BitIndex, bool Value)
	SetBitAt(&PDU.DATA, ByteIndex, BitIndex, Value);
void S7Helper::SetByteAt(void *Buffer, int index, byte value)
void S7Helper::SetByteAt(int index, byte value)
void S7Helper::SetIntAt(void *Buffer, int index, integer value)
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index)  =byte(value>>8);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+1)=byte(value & 0x00FF);
void S7Helper::SetIntAt(int index, integer value)
	SetIntAt(&PDU.DATA, index, value);
void S7Helper::SetDIntAt(void *Buffer, int index, dint value)
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index)  =byte((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+1)=byte((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+2)=byte((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+3)=byte(value & 0x00FF);
void S7Helper::SetDIntAt(int index, dint value)
	SetDIntAt(&PDU.DATA, index, value);
void S7Helper::SetWordAt(void *Buffer, int index, word value)
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index)  =byte(value>>8);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+1)=byte(value & 0x00FF);
void S7Helper::SetWordAt(int index, word value)
	SetWordAt(&PDU.DATA, index, value);
void S7Helper::SetDWordAt(void *Buffer, int index, dword value)
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index)  =byte((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+1)=byte((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+2)=byte((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+3)=byte(value & 0x00FF);
void S7Helper::SetDWordAt(int index, word value)
	SetDWordAt(&PDU.DATA, index, value);
void S7Helper::SetFloatAt(void *Buffer, int index, float value)
  pdword dvalue = pdword(&value);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index)  =byte((*dvalue >> 24) & 0xFF);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+1)=byte((*dvalue >> 16) & 0xFF);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+2)=byte((*dvalue >> 8) & 0xFF);
  *(pbyte(Buffer)+index+3)=byte(*dvalue & 0x00FF);	
void S7Helper::SetFloatAt(int index, float value)
	SetFloatAt(&PDU.DATA, index, value);
char * S7Helper::StringAt(void *Buffer, int index)
  return pchar(Buffer+index);
char * S7Helper::StringAt(int index)
  return pchar(&PDU.DATA[index]);
void S7Helper::SetStringAt(void *Buffer, int index, char *value)
void S7Helper::SetStringAt(int index, char *value)

#endif // _S7HELPER

// Ethernet initialization 
void EthernetInit(uint8_t *mac, IPAddress ip)
#ifdef S7WIRED
  #ifdef M5STACK_LAN    
      SPI.begin(18, 19, 23, -1);
      // Start Ethernet
      Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); 
	// Default TSAP values for connectiong as PG to a S7300 (Rack 0, Slot 2)
	LocalTSAP_HI = 0x01;
	LocalTSAP_LO = 0x00;
	RemoteTSAP_HI= 0x01;
	RemoteTSAP_LO= 0x02;
	ConnType = PG;
	Connected = false;
	LastError = 0;
	PDULength = 0;
	RecvTimeout = 500; // 500 ms
#ifdef S7WIFI	
    TCPClient = new(WiFiClient);
#ifdef S7WIRED 
    TCPClient = new(EthernetClient);
	delete TCPClient;
int S7Client::SetLastError(int Error)
	return Error;
int S7Client::WaitForData(uint16_t Size, uint16_t Timeout)
	unsigned long Elapsed = millis();
	uint16_t BytesReady;

		// I don't like next function because imho is buggy, it returns 0 also if _sock==MAX_SOCK_NUM
		// but it belongs to the standard Ethernet library and there are too many dependencies to skip them.
		// So be very carefully with the munber of the clients, they must be <=4.
		if (BytesReady<Size)
			return SetLastError(0);

		// Check for rollover - should happen every 52 days without turning off Arduino.
		if (millis()<Elapsed)
			Elapsed=millis(); // Resets the counter, in the worst case we will wait some additional millisecs.


	// Here we are in timeout zone, if there's something into the buffer, it must be discarded.
	if (BytesReady>0)
		if (!TCPClient->connected())
			return SetLastError(errTCPConnectionReset);

	return SetLastError(errTCPDataRecvTout);
int S7Client::IsoPduSize()
	uint16_t Size = PDU.H[2];
	return (Size<<8) + PDU.H[3];
int S7Client::RecvPacket(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t Size)
	if (LastError!=0)
		return LastError;
	if (TCPClient->read(buf, Size)==0)
		return SetLastError(errTCPConnectionReset);
	return SetLastError(0);
void S7Client::SetConnectionParams(IPAddress Address, uint16_t LocalTSAP, uint16_t RemoteTSAP)
	Peer = Address;
	LocalTSAP_HI = LocalTSAP>>8;
	LocalTSAP_LO = LocalTSAP & 0x00FF;
	RemoteTSAP_HI = RemoteTSAP>>8;
	RemoteTSAP_LO = RemoteTSAP & 0x00FF;
void S7Client::SetConnectionType(uint16_t ConnectionType)
	ConnType = ConnectionType;
int S7Client::ConnectTo(IPAddress Address, uint16_t Rack, uint16_t Slot)
	SetConnectionParams(Address, 0x0100, (ConnType<<8)+(Rack * 0x20) + Slot);
	return Connect();
int S7Client::Connect()
	LastError = 0;
	if (!Connected)
		if (LastError==0) // First stage : TCP Connection
			if (LastError==0) // Second stage : ISOTCP (ISO 8073) Connection
				LastError=NegotiatePduLength(); // Third stage : S7 PDU negotiation
	return LastError;
void S7Client::Disconnect()
	if (Connected)
		Connected = false;
		PDULength = 0;
		LastError = 0;
int S7Client::TCPConnect()
	if (TCPClient->connect(Peer, isotcp))
		return SetLastError(0);
		return SetLastError(errTCPConnectionFailed);
int S7Client::RecvISOPacket(uint16_t *Size)
	bool Done = false;
	pbyte Target = pbyte(&PDU.H[0])+Shift;

	while ((LastError==0) && !Done)
		// Get TPKT (4 bytes)
		RecvPacket(PDU.H, 4); 
		if (LastError==0)
			*Size = IsoPduSize();
			// Check 0 bytes Data Packet (only TPKT+COTP - 7 bytes)
			if (*Size==7)
				RecvPacket(PDU.H, 3); // Skip remaining 3 bytes and Done is still false
				if ((*Size>MaxPduSize) || (*Size<MinPduSize))
					Done = true; // a valid Length !=7 && >16 && <247
	if (LastError==0)
		RecvPacket(PDU.H, 3); // Skip remaining 3 COTP bytes
		LastPDUType=PDU.H[1]; // Stores PDU Type, we need it 
		// We need to align with PDU.DATA
		RecvPacket(Target, *Size);
	if (LastError!=0)
	return LastError;
int S7Client::ISOConnect()
	bool Done = false;
	uint16_t Length;
	// Setup TSAPs

	if (TCPClient->write(&ISO_CR[0], sizeof(ISO_CR))==sizeof(ISO_CR))
		if ((LastError==0) && (Length==15)) // 15 = 22 (sizeof CC telegram) - 7 (sizeof Header)
			if (LastPDUType==CC) // Connection confirm
				return 0;
				return SetLastError(errISOInvalidPDU);
			return LastError;
		return SetLastError(errISOConnectionFailed);
int S7Client::NegotiatePduLength()
	uint16_t Length;
	if (TCPClient->write(&S7_PN[0], sizeof(S7_PN))==sizeof(S7_PN))
		if (LastError==0)                 
			// check S7 Error
			if ((Length==20) && (PDU.H[27]==0) && (PDU.H[28]==0))  // 20 = size of Negotiate Answer
				PDULength = PDU.RAW[35];
				PDULength = (PDULength<<8) + PDU.RAW[36]; // Value negotiated
				if (PDULength>0)
				    return 0;
					return SetLastError(errISONegotiatingPDU);
				return SetLastError(errISONegotiatingPDU);
			return LastError;
		return SetLastError(errISONegotiatingPDU);
int S7Client::ReadArea(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t Start, uint16_t Amount, int WordLen, void *ptrData)
	unsigned long Address;
	unsigned long LongStart=Start;
	uint16_t NumElements;
	uint16_t MaxElements;
	uint16_t TotElements;
	uint16_t SizeRequested;
	uint16_t Length;

	pbyte Target;
	uintptr_t Offset = 0;
	int WordSize = 1;

	// If we are addressing Timers or counters the element size is 2
	if ((Area==S7AreaCT) || (Area==S7AreaTM))
		WordSize = 2;

	if (WordLen==S7WLBit) // Only one bit can be transferred in S7Protocol when WordLen==S7WLBit

    MaxElements=(PDULength-18) / WordSize; // 18 = Reply telegram header
	// If we use the internal buffer only, we cannot exced the PDU limit
	if (ptrData==NULL)
		if (TotElements>MaxElements)
    while ((TotElements>0) && (LastError==0))
        if (NumElements>MaxElements)
		SizeRequested =NumElements * WordSize;


		// Setup the telegram
		memcpy(&PDU.H, S7_RW, Size_RD); 

		// Set DB Number
		PDU.H[27] = Area;
		if (Area==S7AreaDB) 
			PDU.H[25] = DBNumber>>8;
			PDU.H[26] = DBNumber & 0x00FF;

		// Adjusts Start and word length
		if ((WordLen == S7WLBit) || (Area==S7AreaCT) || (Area==S7AreaTM))
			Address = LongStart;
			if (WordLen==S7WLBit)
			else {
				if (Area==S7AreaCT)
			Address = LongStart<<3;

		// Num elements

		// Address into the PLC
        PDU.H[30] = Address & 0x000000FF;
        Address = Address >> 8;
		PDU.H[29] = Address & 0x000000FF;
        Address = Address >> 8;
        PDU.H[28] = Address & 0x000000FF;

		if (TCPClient->write(&PDU.H[0], Size_RD)==Size_RD)
			if (LastError==0)
				if (Length>=18)
					if ((Length-18==SizeRequested) && (PDU.H[31]==0xFF))
						if (ptrData!=NULL)
							memcpy(Target, &PDU.DATA[0], SizeRequested); // Copies in the user's buffer
						LastError = errS7DataRead;
					LastError = errS7InvalidPDU;
			LastError = errTCPDataSend;
		TotElements -= NumElements;
        LongStart += NumElements*WordSize;
	return LastError;
int S7Client::ReadArea(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t Start, uint16_t Amount, void *ptrData)
	return ReadArea(Area, DBNumber, Start, Amount, S7WLByte, ptrData);
int S7Client::ReadBit(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t BitStart, bool &Bit)
	return ReadArea(Area, DBNumber, BitStart, 1, S7WLBit, &Bit);
int S7Client::WriteArea(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t Start, uint16_t Amount, int WordLen, void *ptrData)
	unsigned long Address;
	unsigned long LongStart=Start;
	uint16_t NumElements;
	uint16_t MaxElements;
	uint16_t TotElements;
	uint16_t DataSize;
	uint16_t IsoSize;
	uint16_t Length;

	pbyte Source;
	uintptr_t Offset = 0;
	int WordSize = 1;

	// If we are addressing Timers or counters the element size is 2
	if ((Area==S7AreaCT) || (Area==S7AreaTM))
		WordSize = 2;

	if (WordLen==S7WLBit) // Only one bit can be transferred in S7Protocol when WordLen==S7WLBit

    MaxElements=(PDULength-35) / WordSize; // 35 = Write telegram header
	if (ptrData==NULL)
		if (TotElements>MaxElements)
    while ((TotElements>0) && (LastError==0))
        if (NumElements>MaxElements)
		// If we use the internal buffer only, we cannot exced the PDU limit

		// Setup the telegram
		memcpy(&PDU.H, S7_RW, Size_WR); 
		// Whole telegram Size
		PDU.H[3]=IsoSize & 0x00FF;
		// Data Length
		PDU.H[16]=Length & 0x00FF;
		// Function
		// Set DB Number
		PDU.H[27] = Area;
		if (Area==S7AreaDB) 
			PDU.H[25] = DBNumber>>8;
			PDU.H[26] = DBNumber & 0x00FF;
		// Adjusts Start and word length
		if ((WordLen == S7WLBit) || (Area==S7AreaCT) || (Area==S7AreaTM))
			Address = LongStart;
			Length = DataSize;
			if (WordLen==S7WLBit)
			else {
				if (Area==S7AreaCT)
			Address = LongStart<<3;
			Length = DataSize<<3;
		// Num elements
		// Address into the PLC
        PDU.H[30] = Address & 0x000000FF;
        Address = Address >> 8;
		PDU.H[29] = Address & 0x000000FF;
        Address = Address >> 8;
        PDU.H[28] = Address & 0x000000FF;
		// Transport Size
		switch (WordLen)
			case S7WLBit:
				PDU.H[32] = TS_ResBit;
			case S7WLCounter:
			case S7WLTimer:
				PDU.H[32] = TS_ResOctet;
				PDU.H[32] = TS_ResByte; // byte/word/dword etc.
		// Length
		PDU.H[34]=Length & 0x00FF;
		// Copy data
		if (ptrData!=NULL)
			memcpy(&PDU.RAW[35], Source, DataSize);

		if (TCPClient->write(&PDU.H[0], IsoSize)==IsoSize)
			if (LastError==0)
				if (Length==15)
					if ((PDU.H[27]!=0x00) || (PDU.H[28]!=0x00) || (PDU.H[31]!=0xFF))
						LastError = errS7DataWrite;
					LastError = errS7InvalidPDU;
			LastError = errTCPDataSend;

		TotElements -= NumElements;
        LongStart += NumElements*WordSize;
	return LastError;
int S7Client::WriteArea(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t Start, uint16_t Amount, void *ptrData)
	return WriteArea(Area, DBNumber, Start, Amount, S7WLByte, ptrData);
int S7Client::WriteBit(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t BitIndex, bool Bit)
	bool BitToWrite=Bit;
	return WriteArea(Area, DBNumber, BitIndex, 1, S7WLBit, &BitToWrite);
int S7Client::WriteBit(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t ByteIndex, uint16_t BitInByte, bool Bit)
	bool BitToWrite=Bit;
	return WriteArea(Area, DBNumber, ByteIndex*8+BitInByte, 1, S7WLBit, &BitToWrite);
#ifdef _EXTENDED

int S7Client::GetDBSize(uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t *Size)
	uint16_t Length;
	// Setup the telegram
	memcpy(&PDU.H[0], S7_BI, sizeof(S7_BI));
	// Set DB Number
    PDU.RAW[31]=(DBNumber / 10000)+0x30;
    DBNumber=DBNumber % 10000;
    PDU.RAW[32]=(DBNumber / 1000)+0x30;
    DBNumber=DBNumber % 1000;
    PDU.RAW[33]=(DBNumber / 100)+0x30;
    DBNumber=DBNumber % 100;
    PDU.RAW[34]=(DBNumber / 10)+0x30;
    DBNumber=DBNumber % 10;
    PDU.RAW[35]=(DBNumber / 1)+0x30;
	if (TCPClient->write(&PDU.H[0], sizeof(S7_BI))==sizeof(S7_BI))
		if (LastError==0)
			if (Length>25) // 26 is the minimum expected
				if ((PDU.RAW[37]==0x00) && (PDU.RAW[38]==0x00) && (PDU.RAW[39]==0xFF))
					LastError = errS7Function;
				LastError = errS7InvalidPDU;
		LastError = errTCPDataSend;
	return LastError;
int S7Client::DBGet(uint16_t DBNumber, void *ptrData, uint16_t *Size)
	uint16_t Length;
	int Result;

	Result=GetDBSize(DBNumber, &Length);
	if (Result==0)
		if (Length<=*Size) // Check if the buffer supplied is big enough 
			Result=ReadArea(S7AreaDB, DBNumber, 0, Length, ptrData);
			if (Result==0)

	return Result;
int S7Client::PlcStop()
	uint16_t Length;
	// Setup the telegram
	memcpy(&PDU.H, S7_STOP, sizeof(S7_STOP)); 
	if (TCPClient->write(&PDU.H[0], sizeof(S7_STOP))==sizeof(S7_STOP))
		if (LastError==0)
			if (Length>12) // 13 is the minimum expected
				if ((PDU.H[27]!=0x00) || (PDU.H[28]!=0x00))
					LastError = errS7Function;
				LastError = errS7InvalidPDU;
		LastError = errTCPDataSend;
	return LastError;
int S7Client::PlcStart()
	uint16_t Length;
	// Setup the telegram
	memcpy(&PDU.H, S7_START, sizeof(S7_START)); 
	if (TCPClient->write(&PDU.H[0], sizeof(S7_START))==sizeof(S7_START))
		if (LastError==0)
			if (Length>12) // 13 is the minimum expected
				if ((PDU.H[27]!=0x00) || (PDU.H[28]!=0x00))
					LastError = errS7Function;
				LastError = errS7InvalidPDU;
		LastError = errTCPDataSend;
	return LastError;
int S7Client::GetPlcStatus(int *Status)
	uint16_t Length;
	// Setup the telegram
	memcpy(&PDU.H, S7_PLCGETS, sizeof(S7_PLCGETS)); 
	if (TCPClient->write(&PDU.H[0], sizeof(S7_PLCGETS))==sizeof(S7_PLCGETS))
		if (LastError==0)
			if (Length>53) // 54 is the minimum expected
				switch (PDU.RAW[54])
					case S7CpuStatusUnknown :
					case S7CpuStatusRun     :
					case S7CpuStatusStop    : *Status=PDU.RAW[54];
					default :
					// Since RUN status is always 0x08 for all CPUs and CPs, STOP status
					// sometime can be coded as 0x03 (especially for old cpu...)
				LastError = errS7InvalidPDU;
		LastError = errTCPDataSend;
	return LastError;
int S7Client::IsoExchangeBuffer(uint16_t *Size)

	if (TCPClient->write(&PDU.H[0], int(Size))==*Size)
		LastError = errTCPDataSend;
	return LastError;
void S7Client::ErrorText(int Error, char *Text, int TextLen)

#endif // _EXTENDED


|  PROJECT SETTIMINO                                                     2.0.0 |
|  Copyright (C) 2013, 2019 Davide Nardella                                    |
|  All rights reserved.                                                        |
|  SETTIMINO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify           |
|  it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by |
|  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           |
|  (at your option) any later version.                                         |
|                                                                              |
|  It means that you can distribute your commercial software linked with       |
|  SETTIMINO without the requirement to distribute the source code of your     |
|  application and without the requirement that your application be itself     |
|  distributed under LGPL.                                                     |
|                                                                              |
|  SETTIMINO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
|  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
|  Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.                         |
|                                                                              |
|  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a     |
|  copy of Lesser GNU General Public License along with Snap7.                 |
|  If not, see                                   |
|                                                                              |
|  1.1.0 Added support for ESP8266 (Thanks to Geoffrey Hayward Piggot)         |
|  2.0.0 Added new hardware support                                            |
|        Added Read/Write consistent bit into the CPU                          |
|        Added new 18 helper functions                                         |
|        Small bugfixes (Thanks to Daniel Förstmann and Schöneberg Swen)       |
|                                                                              |
#include "Platform.h"

// Memory models

//#define _SMALL
//#define _NORMAL
#define _EXTENDED

#if defined(_NORMAL) || defined(_EXTENDED)
# define _S7HELPER

#pragma pack(1)
// Error Codes 
// from 0x0001 up to 0x00FF are severe errors, the Client should be disconnected
// from 0x0100 are S7 Errors such as DB not found or address beyond the limit etc..
// For Arduino Due the error code is a 32 bit integer but this doesn't change the constants use.
#define errTCPConnectionFailed 0x0001
#define errTCPConnectionReset  0x0002
#define errTCPDataRecvTout     0x0003
#define errTCPDataSend         0x0004
#define errTCPDataRecv         0x0005
#define errISOConnectionFailed 0x0006
#define errISONegotiatingPDU   0x0007
#define errISOInvalidPDU       0x0008

#define errS7InvalidPDU        0x0100
#define errS7SendingPDU        0x0200
#define errS7DataRead          0x0300
#define errS7DataWrite         0x0400
#define errS7Function          0x0500

#define errBufferTooSmall      0x0600

// Connection Type
#define PG       0x01
#define OP       0x02
#define S7_Basic 0x03

// ISO and PDU related constants
#define ISOSize        7  // Size of TPKT + COTP Header
#define isotcp       102  // ISOTCP Port
#define MinPduSize    16  // Minimum S7 valid telegram size
#define MaxPduSize   247  // Maximum S7 valid telegram size (we negotiate 240 bytes + ISOSize)
#define CC          0xD0  // Connection confirm
#define Shift         17  // We receive data 17 bytes above to align with PDU.DATA[]

// S7 ID Area (Area that we want to read/write)
#define S7AreaPE    0x81
#define S7AreaPA    0x82
#define S7AreaMK    0x83
#define S7AreaDB    0x84
#define S7AreaCT    0x1C
#define S7AreaTM    0x1D

// WordLength
#define S7WLBit     0x01
#define S7WLByte    0x02
#define S7WLWord    0x04
#define S7WLDWord   0x06
#define S7WLReal    0x08
#define S7WLCounter 0x1C
#define S7WLTimer   0x1D

#define TS_ResBit   0x03
#define TS_ResByte  0x04
#define TS_ResInt   0x05
#define TS_ResReal  0x07
#define TS_ResOctet 0x09

const byte S7CpuStatusUnknown = 0x00;
const byte S7CpuStatusRun     = 0x08;
const byte S7CpuStatusStop    = 0x04;

#define RxOffset    18
#define Size_RD     31
#define Size_WR     35

//typedef uint16_t word;          // 16 bit unsigned integer

typedef int16_t integer;        // 16 bit signed integer
typedef unsigned long dword;    // 32 bit unsigned integer
typedef long dint;              // 32 bit signed integer

typedef byte *pbyte;
typedef word *pword;
typedef dword *pdword;
typedef integer *pinteger;
typedef dint *pdint;
typedef float *pfloat;
typedef char *pchar;

typedef union{
	struct {
		byte H[Size_WR];                      // PDU Header
		byte DATA[MaxPduSize-Size_WR+Shift];  // PDU Data
	byte RAW[MaxPduSize+Shift];

#pragma pack()

#ifdef _S7HELPER

class S7Helper
	bool BitAt(void *Buffer, int ByteIndex, byte BitIndex);
	bool BitAt(int ByteIndex, int BitIndex);
	byte ByteAt(void *Buffer, int index);
	byte ByteAt(int index);
	word WordAt(void *Buffer, int index);
	word WordAt(int index);
	dword DWordAt(void *Buffer, int index);
	dword DWordAt(int index);
	float FloatAt(void *Buffer, int index);
	float FloatAt(int index);
	integer IntegerAt(void *Buffer, int index);
	integer IntegerAt(int index);
	long DintAt(void *Buffer, int index);
	long DintAt(int index);
	// New 2.0
    void SetBitAt(void *Buffer, int ByteIndex, int BitIndex, bool Value);
	void SetBitAt(int ByteIndex, int BitIndex, bool Value);
	void SetByteAt(void *Buffer, int index, byte value);
	void SetByteAt(int index, byte value);
	void SetIntAt(void *Buffer, int index, integer value);
	void SetIntAt(int index, integer value);
	void SetDIntAt(void *Buffer, int index, dint value);
	void SetDIntAt(int index, dint value);
	void SetWordAt(void *Buffer, int index, word value);
	void SetWordAt(int index, word value);
	void SetDWordAt(void *Buffer, int index, dword value);
	void SetDWordAt(int index, word value);
	void SetFloatAt(void *Buffer, int index, float value);
	void SetFloatAt(int index, float value);
	char * StringAt(void *Buffer, int index);
	char * StringAt(int index);
	void SetStringAt(void *Buffer, int index, char *value);
	void SetStringAt(int index, char *value);	
extern S7Helper S7;

#endif // _S7HELPER

// Ethernet initialization
void EthernetInit(uint8_t *mac, IPAddress ip);
// S7 Client                                       
class S7Client 
	uint8_t LocalTSAP_HI; 
	uint8_t LocalTSAP_LO;
	uint8_t RemoteTSAP_HI;
	uint8_t RemoteTSAP_LO;
	uint8_t LastPDUType;
	uint16_t ConnType;
	IPAddress Peer;
	// Since we can use either an EthernetClient or a WifiClient 
	// we have to create the class as an ancestor and then resolve
	// the inherited into S7Client creator.
	Client *TCPClient;
	int PDULength;    // PDU Length negotiated
	int IsoPduSize();
	int WaitForData(uint16_t Size, uint16_t Timeout);
	int RecvISOPacket(uint16_t *Size);
	int RecvPacket(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t Size);
	int TCPConnect();
	int ISOConnect();
	int NegotiatePduLength();
	int SetLastError(int Error);
	// Output properties
	bool Connected;   // true if the Client is connected
	int LastError;    // Last Operation error
	// Input properties
	uint16_t RecvTimeout; // Receving timeour
	// Methods
	S7Client(int Media) : S7Client(){}; // Compatibility V1.X
	// Basic functions
	void SetConnectionParams(IPAddress Address, uint16_t LocalTSAP, uint16_t RemoteTSAP);
	void SetConnectionType(uint16_t ConnectionType);
	int ConnectTo(IPAddress Address, uint16_t Rack, uint16_t Slot);
	int Connect();
	void Disconnect();
	int ReadArea(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t Start, uint16_t Amount, void *ptrData); 
	int ReadArea(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t Start, uint16_t Amount, int WordLen, void *ptrData); 
	int ReadBit(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t BitStart, bool &Bit); 
	int WriteArea(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t Start, uint16_t Amount, void *ptrData); 
	int WriteArea(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t Start, uint16_t Amount, int WordLen, void *ptrData); 
	int WriteBit(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t BitIndex, bool Bit); 
	int WriteBit(int Area, uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t ByteIndex, uint16_t BitInByte, bool Bit); 
	int GetPDULength(){ return PDULength; }
	// Extended functions
#ifdef _EXTENDED
	int GetDBSize(uint16_t DBNumber, uint16_t *Size);
	int DBGet(uint16_t DBNumber, void *ptrData, uint16_t *Size);
    int PlcStart(); // Warm start
    int PlcStop();
    int GetPlcStatus(int *Status);
	int IsoExchangeBuffer(uint16_t *Size);
	void ErrorText(int Error, char *Text, int TextLen);

extern TPDU PDU;

#endif // SETTIMINO_H

TIA üzerindeki programı yükleme gereği duymadım. ama ihtiyaç olursa yükleyebilirim. Normal şartlarda arduino plc db'lerine yazıyor ya da okuyabiliyor. Ama plc get/put komutları ile işlem yapamıyorum.

Yapmak istediğim plc üzerinden get komutu ile x bir işlemciden profinet ile registerları okuyabilmek.
Bildiğini paylaşmak, Allah'ın verdiği öğrenme yeteneğinin zekatıdır.


Arduino'yu slave yapacaksan modbus tcp ile haberleştirsen daha kolay olur bence. İnternette hazır kütüphaneleri var. Ben denedim oldu. Arduinodan PLC ya da Scada ile veri çekebiliyorum.


@yufuk siemens plc üzerinde modbus maalesef bulunmuyor. Genelde profinet ya da profibus bulunuyor. Bunun için ekstra modül almam gerekecek. Benim amacım profinet üzerinden haberleşmek.
Bildiğini paylaşmak, Allah'ın verdiği öğrenme yeteneğinin zekatıdır.


Profinet ve modbus application layerdır. Modül almanıza gerek yok, her ikiside ethernet altyapısını kullanmakta. Ürünüzün datasheetine baktım.

Further protocols

TIA Portal da Get/Put blokları eklediğin yerin alt kısmında modbus master/slave blokları mevcut.
Stm ile s7 1200 arasında bu şekilde bağlantı kurdum, holding register alanından okudum yazdım.
Port sayın bir adetse plc üzerinde, bir adet yönetilmez switch ile hem debug yapabilirsin hemde modbus üzerinden haberleşebilirsin.


@sımışka CPU kodu tam olarak SIPLUS ET 200SP CPU 1510SP-1 PN RAIL CPU link ben mi bulamadım modbusTCP olarak? yanlışım varsa düzeltirsen sevinirim.

Bildiğini paylaşmak, Allah'ın verdiği öğrenme yeteneğinin zekatıdır.


@yufuk evet üstad dediğin gibi modbusTCP varmış. Direkt oradan hallettim artık. Aynı anda hem modbusTCP hemde Profinet aynı port üzerinden kullanılabiliyor onuda denemiş oldum.

Profinet için yine de uğraşacağım elimde hazır kütüphane dursun. Birde merak ettiğim şu. Profinet haberleşmeyi kullanan ticari bir ürün ürettiğimde herhangi bir yere kayıt yaptırma ya da bedel ödememe gerek var mı? Malum profinet açık kaynak kodlu bir haberleşme değil. Siemens'e has bir haberleşme.
Bildiğini paylaşmak, Allah'ın verdiği öğrenme yeteneğinin zekatıdır.


Bu konuda bilgim yok. Ben de merak ettim.


Alıntı yapılan: gokhangokcen - 07 Temmuz 2021, 09:34:42@yufuk evet üstad dediğin gibi modbusTCP varmış. Direkt oradan hallettim artık. Aynı anda hem modbusTCP hemde Profinet aynı port üzerinden kullanılabiliyor onuda denemiş oldum.

Profinet için yine de uğraşacağım elimde hazır kütüphane dursun. Birde merak ettiğim şu. Profinet haberleşmeyi kullanan ticari bir ürün ürettiğimde herhangi bir yere kayıt yaptırma ya da bedel ödememe gerek var mı? Malum profinet açık kaynak kodlu bir haberleşme değil. Siemens'e has bir haberleşme.

Profinet için hayır para vs ödemenize gerek yok. Cihazınızın MAC id si için uygulama yapacağınız yere bağlı olarak evet. Kapalı bir ortamda çalışan bir network ve dışarısı ile bağlantı yoksa sorun olmaz. Aksi takdirde problem oluşabilir.


@sımışka üstad mac için ben şu microchip'in satmış olduğu 25AA02E48 eepromu var içerisinde gömülü mac adresi var direkt olarak alıp kullanıyorum. Tavsiye ederim. IP ve gerekli bilgileri kaydetmek içinde eeprom faydalı oluyor. Profinet, EthernetIP, EtherCAT layerlerini internette detaylıca anlatan bir yer göremedim. Acaba bulan var mı? modbusTCP vs gibi protokollerin istemediğiniz kadar örneği yapısı var.
Bildiğini paylaşmak, Allah'ın verdiği öğrenme yeteneğinin zekatıdır.


Alıntı yapılan: gokhangokcen - 07 Temmuz 2021, 16:47:31@sımışka üstad mac için ben şu microchip'in satmış olduğu 25AA02E48 eepromu var içerisinde gömülü mac adresi var direkt olarak alıp kullanıyorum. Tavsiye ederim. IP ve gerekli bilgileri kaydetmek içinde eeprom faydalı oluyor. Profinet, EthernetIP, EtherCAT layerlerini internette detaylıca anlatan bir yer göremedim. Acaba bulan var mı? modbusTCP vs gibi protokollerin istemediğiniz kadar örneği yapısı var.


Alıntı yapılan: sımışka - 08 Temmuz 2021, 10:18:36
üstad linke kaydolmak için siemense kayıtlı firmalardan biri olmak gerekiyor sanırım? bir türlü kayıt olamadım.
Bildiğini paylaşmak, Allah'ın verdiği öğrenme yeteneğinin zekatıdır.


Bilgisayar yazılım bilginiz var ise aşağıdaki linkteki DLL dosyasını kullanabilirsiniz demo olarak ürün açıklamasında link paylaşılmış ve örnek dosyada var